Saturday, June 14, 2008

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He had always considered that the dough had to be eliminated any dieting. A belief that was based on the consideration of carbohydrates as mere sources of energy for the body. Some studies, however, contradict that perception and argue that the dough is not conducive to being overweight as long as you consume it with common sense, ie, no aggregates too many condiments.

is arriving but away and presents in the ingestion of a diet of pasta at the time of the dinner. Thus, argue that the practice vacancy very effective if you prepare the appropriate form, and during the rest of the day, you
ingest vegetables, meats, fish and cheese. The specialists also recommend drinking two liters of water every day and replace sugar for fructose and sauces, and spices for flavoring.



Breakfast: coffee or fruit infusion and media fresh.all tomorrow: natural orange juice, lemon or other citrus fruit without sugar.
Eat: Grilled chicken CONM vegetables boiled and seasoned with a little 'oil, salt and spices, and cheese.
Dinner: pasta with vegetables to taste grid.


Breakfast: toast with a mermelza without sugar, yogurt and skimmed infusion. A sock tomorrow: fruit juice without sugar.
Eat: Roasted baked fish and steamed vegetables.
Dinner: whole wheat pasta with zucchini and boiled vegetables.


Breakfast: Coffee or infusion and a piece of fruit. A sock tomorrow: a glass of skim milk.
Eat: cheese and steamed vegetables
Dinner: chicken breast with tomato sauce and boiled vegetables.

FOURTH DAY Breakfast: toast with jam and sugar-free infusion. A sock domani: succo di frutta senza zucchero.
Mangi: carne di vitella o di maiale alla griglia e verdura lessa. Formaggini scremati (2).
Cena: pasta con piselli e verdura alla piastra o alla parilla.


Colazione. Caffè o infusione e frutta fresca. A calza domani: un bicchiere di latte scremato.
Mangi: Pesce alla planca o griglia, verdure lesse o al vapore ed un yogurt scremato, senza zucchero.
Cena: zuppa di pasta e legume e verdura alla griglia


Colazione: fette biscottate con marmellata senza zucchero. A calza domani: succo di frutte.
Mangi: coniglio o pollo arrosto e verdure lesse.
Cena: pasta con peperoni gialli e rossi e verdura, gratinata con formaggio.


Colazione: caffè o infusione e frutta. A calza domani: succo di frutta.
Mangi. uova sodo, verduta e patate alla griglia.
Cena: pizza con verdure e formaggio e verdura alla griglia. Le verdure e condimenti che accompagnino alla pasta devono rosolarsi con poco olio.


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