Saturday, June 14, 2008

Does Adult Chicken Pox Make You Infertile

Anti-cholesterol diet

High cholesterol is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders. He can fight with medication and diet. Here is a diet that helps reduce bad cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and weight down.

Cholesterol has as its main source organism and as a second source of supply. It must take into account the lipid perfil to know the type of dyslipidemia and what is the diet to follow.

A for a diet to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and lose a few pounds.

You should drink at least one and a half liters of mineral water, you can aggregate tea, coffee decafeinato, up to 4 times per day. If

be restricted (cold) evacuation slow aggregates 1 tablespoon olive oil extravirgen, or canola oil, on an empty stomach.

can accompany food with a little bread, Minon type, in the event of not being faithful to hydrate carbono? Y do not have high triglycerides, or whole wheat bread with 2 washers. Those people who eat a couple of cookies and not stop until the end paquewte; refrain as treat and consult your doctor, or in on-line Doctors Surgeries Advisors.

Use salt in moderation, but if it prevents hypertension.

breakfast and snack
Alternative 1
Un bicchiere di latte scremato, scremato,; può essere caffè decaffeinato, tè, o un'altra infusione come lo scacco matto, infusione tipica dell'Uruguay ed Argentina, con latte.
Due fette biscottate di pane integrale unte con formaggio scremato, o marmellata diet.

Alternativa 2
Succo (succo, di frutte fresche) superiore di uva,
Frutte fresche
Un yogurt scremato, scremato, o light

Alternativa 3
Caffè decaffeinato
Un yogurt con cereali, non raccomandato per persone con trigliceridi elevati,

Alternativa 1
Zuppa di verdure
Carne di vitella magra con insalata di lattuga, pomodoro e cipolla; o using a combination of vegetables to taste. Alternative 2

Mashed potatoes (popes).
Fish with grated carrot, or pumpkin. Alternative 3

prepared with lentils and carrot pepo pepo
Chicken cooked with tomatoes and a yogurt skimmed

Alternative 4
Vegetable Soup Roasted fish

Alternative 5
Eggplant his taste
fish fillet to taste
Alternative 6

Spaghetti, top, or another type of tomato sauce, no cheese to grate on the aggregate.
breast fillet pavita (turkey), grilled, with tomato and radicheta, or spinach. Alternative

Salad with peppers, tomato and onion
cod or other fish in the oven, or grilled

Alternative 8
Milanese Vegetable Soup
a lean cut, baked, or fried with little oil and is preferably olive oil, or canola oil. One skimmed yogurt

Alternative 1
natural tomato stuffed with tuna (goliardia)
Fish with tomato

Alternative 2
Soufflé Pumpkin (pumpkin pounded) 2 eggs beaten and clear of the oven, lettuce and tomato. Alternative 3

Chicken Vegetable Soup with mashed popes (potatoes)

Alternative 4
taste Brown rice with seafood

Alternative 5

fish cake chard with onion

Alternative 6
Beans (green beans) old, with popes (potatoes) boiled
A small portion of pasta, or 2 slices of pizza without cheese.

Alternative 7
galoshes (corn) boiled chicken salad

Alternative 8
boiled asparagus, or roasted.
fish cooked to your taste.

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The antidieta arose in the United States, where it was not just a cure for losing weight but a new concept of power.

This diet does not consist in limiting calories, but do not mix in the second che alimenti.

Si basa su un ridotto numero di principi che non restringono l'alimentazione, ma che sì l'adecúan a certi orari e combinazioni.

Seguendola possono abbassarsi fedelmente fino a due chili per settimana.
Per le mattine non può prendersi nient'altro che frutta, niente di pane, caffè o cereali, per saziare la fame possono prendersi due banane.

Fino a mezzogiorno devono consumarsi solo frutte e succhi di frutte. Dopo avere mangiato la frutta deve sperare tra 20 e 30 minuti di ingerire un altro alimento.

Se mangia carne, pesce o qualunque altro tipo di proteine, non deve mescolarsi con amidi (papi) riso, pastasciutte, legumi. Sé può combinarsi con tutti i vegetali che desideri.
Di sera già si può mangiare carne, pesce, riso, verdure, pascola, patate, etc., senza nessuna restrizione.

Dopo avere ingerito alimenti, bisogna sperare quattro ore di mangiare nuovamente, ma se ha combinato male, carboidrati con proteine, deve aspettare un minimo di otto.
L'antidieta fa parte delle chiamate diete dissociate che si basano sulla credenza che gli idrati di carbonio e le proteine devono prendersi a parte, mai nello stesso cibo perché la sua digestione richiede un mezzo acido ed un mezzo alcalino ed il miscuglio dei due ostacola l'assimilazione di nutriente.

Non esistono limitazioni in quanto a prodotti lattei, e per condire gli alimenti può usarsi un olio plant.

simplified way to follow this diet

Breakfast Fresh fruit, fruit salad, or freshly squeezed juice. Source

Eat vegetables, salad with cheese, avocado sandwich, lentil soup, salad with wheat bran.

Dinner Roast chicken and mushrooms, fillet of fried fish, pasture and vegetables.

Mineral water, fruit juice, vegetable juice, herbal infusion, coffee malt. The

A diet that essentially consists of not mixing certain foods. The basic principle is
dell'antidieta proper combination of foods. The scheme is based on the discovery that certain combinations of foods are digested more easily and effectively than others.

The key element at stake is the energy, because digestion is one of the functions that produce increased energy demand. In turn, this energy is important for the detoxification of the body, and this can not eliminate the toxic waste without our cooperation.

What we seek through this diet is that food remains in the stomach, approximately only three hours this way, you avoid fermentation, gas, acidity and indigestion. It claims that food to pass quickly to our intestines, and the faster and more effective assicurarlo è non consumare più di un tipo di alimento per volta. Mangiare in forma simultanei due alimenti concentrati, per esempio, carne e farine, causerebbe che questi marciscano e non possano essere assimilati.

In conseguenza: se querés mangiare un bife, una porzione di pesce o di pollo non c'è problema; purché non l'accompagni di nessun altro alimento concentrato: niente di papi, riso, pastasciutte, formaggio o pane. Con le carni podés mangiare solamente alimenti di alto contenuto di acqua; cioè, con verdure lesse o insalate crude. Se querés mangiare papi o paste li accompagni solamente con verdure ed insalate.

Vantaggi: È ricca in vitamine, minerali e fibra; regola il livelli cholesterol and decreases the consumption of animal fats.
Disadvantages: If not followed correctly can cause hypoglycemia, and finally extends to lose ground due to muscle protein consumption.
This diet was designed some years ago by Harvey and Marlyn Diamond. After her divorce, Marlyn published a new book and discovered some of the secrets that they had published the first version. Thus, in? New Antidieta? The objective is to create an appropriate mix of foods, so that result in normal digestion that lasts between three and four hours, therefore, get an energy savings that can later be used in other activities. The
Antidieta, also known as? Fit for Life", si dirige per i seguenti principi basilari:

Il segreto per avere un peso adeguato sta nella combinazione degli alimenti, vedere lista di alimenti che non devono combinarsi.

Non possono ingerirsi mai contemporaneamente due alimenti concentrati. Gli alimenti concentrati sono tutti quelli che non sono né frutte né verdure.

Secondo quello che pianta questa dieta, la digestione si basa sull'orologio biologico del corpo, il quale consta di tre fasi apra il suo buon funzionamento: La fase di eliminazione - la quale si dà mette a.m. le 5 e la 1 p.m. - che consiste nella pulizia interna dell'organismo; la fase di appropriazione - tra la 1 p.m. e le 7 p.m. - che si riferisce alla digestione; e la fase assimilation - of 7 pm to 5 am - or stage of construction, repair and distribution.

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Diet Diet Diet AntiFracaso

Follow a diet that is complicated and secure more than once you tried to make arrangements and you are done before leaving it to change because you have not seen the result.

If you are what you've started a diet and another and you have abandoned them all, we have the solution to your problem: the system antifracaso, perfect for women with little discipline but really want to be in shape. Although you seem to hold what is certain is that you can introduce some variation, always within the canones you scored. You can also accompany your snacks with some juice, lemonade or isotonic drink.
What you will make it easier.


Breakfast - Infusion with milk descremada - A slice of bran or whole wheat bread-A piece of low-fat cheese.

tomorrow - a yogurt or a glass of skim milk

Lunch - Hot or soup vegetales Two-washers for whitefish al horno-Brocoli all'ajillo - fruit cocktail with a piece of cheese blancoMerienda - Infusión milk descremada - bowl of fruit all

later - a juice or infusion Half-baked apple or pear with cinnamon

Dinner - Hot or soup hortalizas-Sketch "colorful" with carrot, onion, tomato, and old-huevo Salad "to every green with lettuce, celery, asparagus tips and Berri-A slice of melon


Breakfast - Infusión-Mini-sandwich with sweetening" light "with a slice bran or wholemeal bread with a slice of tomato, a spoonful of greedy white cheese and skimmed a piece of ham

tomorrow - Beaten fruit, made from a small fruit and half a glass of skimmed milk

Lunch - Hot or soup vegetales-grill chicken with lemon-tricolor salad with white cabbage, zuchini and rabanitos-citrus cocktail: half orange and half pink grapefruit

- Infusión con dolcificante o un bicchiere di jugo- Una pizza piccola fatta con una fetta di pane di crusca o integrale, una rondella di formaggio crema, pomodoro ed origano, tutto gratinato al forno

Media tardi
- Un yogurt o latte coltivato scremato con due mandorle filettate
- Caldo o zuppa di vegetales- Brochette agrodolce con cubetti di cipolla, peperone, pomodoro, palmi e zanahoria- Insalata di lattuga di scarola con pepinos- Gelatina, yogurt o frullato senza zucchero

- Un bicchiere di succo di arancia appena exprimido- Un yogurt scremato, se si ama, con inciampi di frutte, ed una cucchiaiata di semi di lino, sesamo o girasole

tomorrow - Infusion with milk, an apple-descremada

Lunch - Hot or soup vegetales-Neapolitan Fillet of cod to the vegetable-salad made with tomatoes, beets, Jewish, celery .... - Fresh plums

Snack - A glass of soy milk-A slice of bran bread with white cheese

later - Infusion cut with milk descremada-Two pieces of pineapple

Dinner - Hot or soup vegetales - Soufflé green spinach, onion and leek to green with two light bars in place and snowing Especias-A tomato salad with half-cut orégano-A slice of watermelon

- Infusión con latte descremada- Una fetta di pane di crusca o integrale tostada- Una cucchiaiata ghiotta di formaggio bianco scremato

Media domani
- Un yogurt o un bicchiere di latte descremada- Un bicchiere di succo di pompelmo

- Caldo o zuppa di vegetales- Milanese di soia con formaggio magro gratinato al horno- Insalata di cavolo cappuccio, sedano, carota e riso integral- Un gelato, sì, sì, un gelato, ad essere possibile senza zucchero,

- Infusión con latte descremada- Una fetta di pane di crusca o integrale tostado- Mezza tazza di macedonia con dolcificante

Media tardi
- Mezza mela al forno spolverata con cannella

Dinner - Hot or soup-vegetales Assaulted pumpkin, beetroot and salad-huevo "country" of cress, lettuce, cabbage and API-A cup of grapes


Breakfast - Infusion with milk-descremada A compact low-fat cheese slices with

tomorrow - A yogurt or skimmed milk with pieces of orange

Lunch - Hot or soup vegetales-A piece of the loin pimienta-palm salad, sprinkle with pepper and tomato basil picados and garlic-half grapefruit with sweetener

Merenda - Infusion with milk descremada-A slice of bread, bran, whole-Centeno A spoonful or fond of white cheese skimmed with lemon ralladura

later - a roasted apple, on which we can sprinkle cocoa powder to give more taste

Dinner - Hot or soup vegetales-Sketch "Flavor sea lettuce, tomato, carrot, onion rings and fish sticks, seasoned with a tablespoon mayonnaise, light-sweet fruit


Breakfast - Three-descremada Infusión milk biscuits bran, wheat or oat-A piece of cheese or a couple of cuharaditas cheese grease

tomorrow - A glass of jugo-mix of fruits

Lunch - Hot or soup vegetales-A piece of pie or tuna-caballa Fennel and watercress salad, sprinkled with garlic and fresh-Skinned perejil

Merenda - One skimmed yogurt with frutas-A slice of bran or wholemeal bread with cheese compact thin

Media - A glass of jugo-A Waffle celery, cheese and walnut point

Dinner - Hot or soup with vegetables vegetales-Assault-Light huevo salad leaves to elección Brochette-fruit "rainbow" of orange, kiwi Guinea

- Infusion with milk descremada-A slice of bran or whole wheat bread-A spoonful of cream cheese with strawberries threaded skimmed

tomorrow - a yogurt or a bicchiere di latte scremato con una cucchiaiata di semi di lino, sesamo o girasole

- Caldo o zuppa di vegetales- Supremo di pollo all'orégano- Insalata di pomodoro

- Infusión con latte descremada- Una fetta di pane di crusca o integral- Una cucchiaiata di formaggio bianco scremato, per esempio con essenza di vaniglia, ed una cucchiaiata di gelatina

Media tardi
- Infusión con edulcorante- Mezza tazza di macedonia

- Caldo o zuppa di vegetales- Insalata "nutritiva" con germogli di soia, cetriolo, carota cotta, cavolo cappuccio e cubetti di formaggio crema- Mousse "rinfrescante" di cubetti di melone ed anguria con yogurt scremato oppure succo orange.

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Diet antidiarrhoeal or astringent to get the digestive system gets used to carry out its normal functions, through the gradual introduction of food. Accompanying this diet by fasting and replication of fluids and minerals, is key to finish with the problem.

Diarrhea itself is not a disease but a symptom of confusion. It consists in the acceleration of the bowel that causes a lot of fluid and abundant testimony or depositions. It can go or not accompanied by pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps (cramping), fever or loss of appetite.

In general, you have to enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) especially from the thin that resolves in a few days, though sometimes the cause remains for months and weeks. You may also have its origin in the diet, medications, viruses, chronic illness, etc..

We can speak of two types of diarrhea: report or acute. Acute diarrhea is resolved and only takes a few days. The news continues for more time and can be a symptom of a more important confusion.

dietary requirements during the period that you are suffering from diarrhea should follow a very specific set of dietary rules, with the aim of ending up with confusion. Of equal form, requires the prohibition of certain foods and ingestion of other progressive. The diet is antidiarrhoeal divided into different phases.

must begin to fasting, which may interfere only in a preparation of water, salt, sugar, lemon and baking soda which will last from 6 to 24 hours. After this time, can begin to ingest liquids like water, rice, flour, soups, cereals, etc.. It is advisable to eat small quantities and frequently.

Gradually we will introduce in the diet of rice, boiled chicken or fish, toast and ham york. After you start taking yogurt, meat and fish grilled and boiled vegetables.

If the patient demonstrates tolerance to milk, skim yogurt can be substituted for up to 200 cc. of skimmed milk with decaf. In questo caso potrebbe prendere formaggio fresco senza grasso, tipo Burgos, Ricotta...

Recuperando liquidi
Un aspetto molto importante è la perdita di liquidi e minerali durante il periodo nel quale si soffre questa confusione intestinale. Per ciò è fondamentale la reintroduzione di liquidi mediante acqua, succhi, brodi, tè,...

La reidratazione consiste nella restituzione della quantità di acqua, glucosio ed elettroliti persi come conseguenza della diarrea. È la prima misura a prendere una volta diagnosticata.

Una delle formule più raccomandate per la reidratazione per via orale è il seguente:

Un litro di acqua
Due cucchiaiate ghiotte di zucchero, per il glucosio
Un pizzicotto di sale, per il cloruro sodico
Mezza cucchiaiata di bicarbonato
Il succo di un limone per il potassio che contiene

Questo miscuglio deve prendersi un'ora e mezza ogni o due ore. Benché non riesca a finire con la diarrea, è fondamentale perché non permette la perdita di acqua, qualcosa di fondamentale nel nostro organismo.

Alimenti proibiti
Ci sono alimenti che possono provocare la diarrea o acutizzarla per ciò è conveniente conoscerli. I prodotti lattei, latti o formaggi, sono di digestione prolungata per il suo contenuto in lattosio, per quel motivo non sono raccomandabili. Lo yogurt, tuttavia, poiché è parzialmente digerito dai batteri che contiene, sé può ingerirsi.

Si eviterà anche il cibo grasso o fritto, come gli insaccati e salati poiché irritano la mucosa digestiva e sono di digestione prolungata. Non deve prendersi neanche fibra vegetale, frutte crude o verdure.

I grassi perfino il burro, margarina, olii, o noci, i cibi piccanti, il pane integrale numero intero, il mais e le pelli o semi di qualunque frutta o verdura stanno anche proibite. Ovviamente niente di caffè né succhi di arancia zuccherati, stimolanti del riflesso gastrocólico.

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Buddhist Diet 1070 Calorie Diet

Questa è una dieta adatta per quelli quale stanno con colesterolo alto e che cercano rapide risultati. Prende il suo nome dell'alimentazione dei monaci buddisti. Il cibo fondamentale è il riso integrale, accompagnato da verdure e frutte autorizzate. Esige molta forza di volontà.

Durata: due settimane.
Chili persi: quattro in una settimana.

Per chi no: persone con problemi di sodio e tensione bassa.

In due settimane si possono solo verdure, frutte autorizzate, citrici, mele e fragole, e riso integrale.

Per aromatizzare il riso, ricorrere ad erbe, pepi o un po' di salsa di soia. Bisogna masticare ogni boccone da 50 a 100 volte. Per bere si raccomanda tè cinese. I piatti di riso possono condirsi con gomasio, preparazione di grani di sesamo tostato e triturati e sale marino fine.

lose weight in a record time.

is very boring and hard to accomplish. It should not be followed beyond the time indicated. The dangers of this diet are very important for the deficiencies of vitamins B12, C, and D, iron and calcium. In people who adopt it as a form of power will cause problems with anemia and scurvy ..

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with 125.5 gr. HC, 52 percent, 65 gr. protein, 24 percent, and 29.5 gr. of fat, 26 percent,

Breakfasts (= 155 Kcal.) choose between:

- 200 ml of skimmed milk with coffee or tea + 30 gr. Cereal
- 200 ml of milk skimmed milk with coffee or tea + 30 gr. bread + 5 ml of oil
- 150 ml of skimmed milk with coffee or tea + 200 gr. fresh fruit.
- 100 ml of skimmed milk with coffee or tea + 20 gr. + 20 grams of bread.
jam without sucrose + 100 gr. fruit.

Merenda (= 53 Kcal.) Choose between:

10 gr. + 1 toast + coffee or tea skim cheese
150 ml of skimmed milk with coffee or tea.

lunch or dinner (= 345 Kcal.) Choose between one of the following menu:

1. - 100 gr. + 50 grams of cooked pasta. tomato
100 gr. veal a stretch
skimmed yogurt unsweetened

2. - Salad with: 100 gr. rice + 50 g cooked. Chicken + 100 gr. red pepper + lettuce + 2 tablespoons of vinaigrette sauce.
a skim cheese.

3. - 100 gr. Vegetable + 50 gr. carrot potato + 50 r (all browned)
100 gr. of fish to the plate + 100 gr.
100 grams of raw tomatoes. fresh fruit.

4. - Salad with: 100 gr. onion and tomato + lettuce + 100 gr.
grated carrot 100 gr. grilled chicken + 100 gr. roasted potatoes. 1
skimmed yogurt.

5. - Fish soup with rice: 30 grams. + 50 grams of rice. Fish + 5 ml of olive oil 2
creamed cheese.
250 gr. fruit.

6. - 100 gr. asparagus + 10 gr. mayonnaise low in calories.
100 gr. + 100 g of boiled cod. of boiled potato.
100 gr. fruit.

7. - 200 gr.
browned cauliflower 100 gr. + 100 g of calf stretches. onion and tomato + lettuce + 15 ml. oil.
100 gr. fruit.

(= 85 kcal.) TO CHOOSE BETWEEN

- 100 ml of skimmed milk with coffee or tea + 20 gr. toast + 5 ml of oil
- 20 gr. of skimmed cheese toast + 1 + coffee or tea.

menus that do not bring oil can be topped with a spoonful of tasty, 10 ml,

In the intervals between meals can take a lot of free energy-free liquids (water) infusions, etc. ..)

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Diet Foods Diet

How it began:
Over 30 years, the author of books on diets, William H. has announced that the starches are consumed protein separately, and must not eat fruit with starches or proteins. In 1981, the guru of nutrition Judy Mazel revealed the Beverly Hills diet, she said that the enzymes in fruit could burn the calories before they arrived at the hips, and proposed to eat crabs and proteins in different times, Fit for Life, a plan for life based in the concept of combination of food, was published in 1985 and continues to attract followers, suggests eating only fruits and fruit juices before noon.

Duration: Il piano Beverly Hills dure sei settimane.

Che cosa mangiare:
Durante i primi dieci giorni, niente eccetto frutte. Le porzioni sono generose: calza libbra di prugne in un solo cibo, cinque libbre di uve in un giorno.
Il Giorno 11 si unisce calza libbra di pane, due cucchiaiate di burro e tre pezzi di elote; le proteine complete, carne di capo di bestiame o aragosta, si aggiungono unicamente a partire dal Giorno 19.
Chi seguono la dieta possono commettere pazzie tali come mangiare torta di formaggio e gelato.

Il peso si perde rapidamente, poiché le frutte sono basse in calorie. Chi piacciono di diete basate nella disciplina trovano attraente il piano Beverly Hills. And the chances of food cakes are golden sleep of those who are on a diet. The Beverly Hills diet
allows a greater variety of diets that list many rapids, and the subsequent steps that include baked potato or red meat can easily follow, even going out to dinner.

There is no scientific evidence that the body processes the particular combinations of foods if it is not the case. To the side of health, diet, Beverly Hills is very low in vital nutrients, the magazine of the American Medical Association describes as "the worst option among diets fast") and can cause diarrhea. And since it is low in protein, promotes the wear and tear of muscles and tissues vital organs if you are on for more than ten days.
If you are looking for hard power plans, her best option is to join a weight loss program or ask your doctor to recommend a dietitian who can design a diet based on foods they like.

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Entrò di moda agli inizi degli anni 70, con la nascita delle filosofie hippie e contestatrici. La sua base è il consumo di pompelmo o ananas, alternando con altri alimenti.

Durata: una settimana
Chili persi: da due a tre.

For those who do not: people with diabetes or urinary infection.
three days a week, you can only eat grapefruit or pineapple juice or fruit. The remaining four days will allow the variety of food, with meat, fish, eggs and salad, stewed with very little oil. The grapefruit or pineapple, must include as prostrate. Can not take sugar, alcohol or carbonated drinks.

Advantages: Adequate for people
capricious in its eating. Rich in vitamin C.

shall not extend more than seven days, being a low calorie diet. The weight lost is recovered with ease, because you lose a lot water. It is a diet semiayuno. Grapefruit is very rich in vitamin C, but provides only 370 calories a pound.

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Recommended for people who need to lose weight a few pounds in very short time because his results are amazing and has an extra advantage: it does not produce the feared effect antirrebote.


- sweetened infusions unrestricted
- 1 slice of toasted bread with jam diet

- 1 cup of broth di verdure sgrassato
- 1 medaglione di carne alla griglia senza grasso
- insalata di 2 pomodori
- 1 mela

- infusiones edulcorato senza limite
- 2 biscotti di acqua

- 1 tazza di brodo di verdure
- 1 piatto di bietola o spinaci lessi
- 1 patata lessa
- 1 porzione di conserva di mele


- té o scacco matto lesso con dolcificante

- 1 tazza di brodo di verdure casalingo
- 1 petto di pollo senza pelle alla piastra
- 1 macedonia con dolcificante
- 1 porzione piccola di macedonia

- 1 infusione con
sweetener - 2 fetas of ham
- 2 water biscuits

- 1 cup vegetable broth diet
- 1 medium portion of raw vegetables
- a small plate of boiled spinach
- 1 orange


- Infusiones sweetener with no limit
- 3 water biscuits

- 1 cup of broth diet
- 2 cod fillets grilled with lemon
- a baked apple

- Tea or coffee with sweetener
- 1 slice of toasted bread with white cheese skimmed

Dinner - 1 cup of broth diet
- 2 zapallitos filled with spinach and cheese skimmed
- 1 gelatin diet


- Infusiones sweetener with no limit
- 3 cookies with jam bran diet

- 1 cup of broth diet
- 1 bife lean grilled
- a complete media salad (tomato), lettuce, onion, carrot and 1 egg,
- 1 gelatin diet

- Infusiones sweetened
Unlimited - 2 rice biscuits with jam diet

- 1 cup light
broth - 1 medium portion of boiled spinach
- 1 medium carrot, lettuce, tomato and egg
1 - 1 orange


- a coffee with skim milk and sweetener
- 2 slices of toasted bread diet saved
- 2 cditas. white cheese skimmed grease

- 1 cup non-fat broth
- 2 cod fillets grilled with lemon
- an average portion of vegetables boiled
- 1 gelatin diet

- tea or mate boiled with sweetener
- 2 rice biscuits with jam diet

- 1 cup of homemade vegetable soup
- 2 peppers stuffed with spinach, cheese and skimmed golosh
- a fruit of the election station


- Té o caffè con dolcificante
- 2 biscotti di acqua
- jugo di 1 arancia e 1 pompelmo

- 1 piatto medio di zuppa di verdure casalingo
- 1 insalata di vegetali crudi assortimenti condita con limone
- 1 mela verde

- Infusiones edulcorato senza limite
- 2 biscotti di riso con marmellata diet e con formaggio bianco scremato

- 1 tazza di brodo diet
- 1 medaglione di lombo alla piastra e senza grasso
- 1 insalata di vegetali assortiti
- 1 gelatina diet con pezzi di frutta


- Infusiones edulcorato senza limite
- 2 biscotti di riso con marmellata diet

- 1 tazza di brodo diet
- 1 petto di pollo al forno
- purè di 1/2 zucca
- 1 porzione di conserva di prugne

- 1 tazza di caffè con latte scremato e dolcificante
- 3 biscotti di acqua con marmellata diet

- 1 piatto generoso di zuppa di verdure casalinga
- 1 insalata media di vegetali lessi

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Diet Fruit Diet Elimination Diet Apple

is Thursday night, and you realized that the dress she uses in that appointment on Saturday as expected, it remains well regulated. Because to solve that problem, we have this emergency diet will make you lose between 1 / 2 and 1 kg, 1 to 2 lbs.) In a day.

1 or 2 cups of thin tea or infusion gettagli a slice of lemon and a little 'sugar or liquid honey.
a natural juice or fruit juice: orange, grapefruit, tangerine, apple, pear.

A sock tomorrow:
1 skim natural yoghurt.

a broth of vegetables or fruit cocktail or tomato juice.
a green salad dressed with yogurt and lemon.
a yogurt.
clear tea with lemon and very little sugar.

By mid-afternoon: 1
juice or natural vegetable juice, cold or warm.

1 cup of broth. 1
vegetables steamed or boiled.
a green salad.
1 infusion. Before going to bed

a fruit or a yogurt, skimmed milk, if you appetite.

People with diabetes should not try this diet.

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Dieta Stretta

La cosa prima che scenderai è l'addome e la vita, può essere che a volte esca un po' di acne dovuto alla disintossicazione ed in alcuni occasioni, potresti notare un lieve mal di stomaco dovuto al cambiamento di alimentazione.

Evitare carne di maiale e grasse dopo avere finito la dieta perché lo stomaco rimane al verde.

Prendere giornalmente un minimo di 8 bicchieri di acqua ed evitare bibite con gas, benché siano dietetici.

Non praticare esercizio mentre si fa la dieta e cercare di dormire abbastanza ore

Primo giorno
Colazione: Mele, quelle che ti gradiscano.
Mangi: Mele, quelle che ti gradiscano.
Cena: Mele, quelle che ti gradiscano.
Bere due litri di acqua al giorno come minimo.

Secondo giorno
Colazione: Mele, quelle che voglia.
Mangi: Un'insalata verde senza abbellimento, solo limone o aceto con formaggio cottage, poco sale e 2 litri di acqua durante il giorno.
Cena: Mele, quelle che voglia.

Terzo giorno
Colazione: Un panetto integrale, una fetta di prosciutto di tacchino ed una mela.
Mangi: Un'insalata verde abbondante che includa carota e sedano.
Cena: Mele, quelle che voglia.

Quarto giorno
Colazione: Un panetto integrale, una fetta di prosciutto di tacchino and an apple.
Eat: salad of steamed vegetables, no potatoes, tuna, natural crab flavor with lemon.
Dinner: A bowl of rice cereal with a cup of skim milk and Canderel.

fifth day Breakfast: 1 apple, 1 boiled egg and a full loaf.
Eat: A salad of raw vegetables, and roast meat, the one that likes you.
Dinner: Apples, what I want.

Diet Moderate

With this scheme forgot to make sacrifices to lose weight. By incorporating two apples per day to your diet can not only recover the shape but also do good to your health.
The apple is a fruit with lots di virtù per prevenire malattie e migliorare la nostra pelle, poiché aumenta la sua idratazione. Se la consumi frequentemente potrai diminuire i livelli di colesterolo, di pressione arteriale ed evitare l'aderenza di placche nelle pareti arteriali. Senza importare la varietà, preferisce le mele libere di contusioni o zone soffici, che possiedano un colore intenso ed un aroma profondo.

- Infusione con mezza tazza di latte scremato
- 1 rondella di pane integrale con 1 cucchiaiata di formaggio per ungere scremato

- 1 porzione di conserva di mela o 1 mela arrosta

- 1/4 di pollo piccolo al forno con verdure al vapore
- Gelatina dietetico sapore lampone con mela e pesca (pesca) tagliato in pezzi

- 1 yogurt scremato

- Infusión con 1/2 tazza di latte scremato
- 3 biscotti integrali con formaggio per ungere scremato

- Insalata di sedano e spinacio
- 1 patata piccola al forno
- Purè di mela con cannella e crema dietetica, formaggio untable scremato e dolcificante,

- Infusione con mezza tazza di latte scremato
- 1 rondella di pane integrale con 1 cucchiaiata di formaggio per ungere scremato

- 1 porzione di insalata di mela, fragole ed oranges

Lunch - Tortilla asparagus, with a solo egg salad with grated carrot and grated apple
- 1 yogurt skimmed

Appointment - 1 slice of melon (meloncillo)

Merenda - Infusion with 1 / 2
cup of skim milk - 3 wholemeal biscuits with cheese to grease skimmed

Dinner - salad of tomato, cheese skimmed, 2 lonchas, and basil
vegetable soufflé - a roasted apple.

Wednesday: Breakfast

- Infusion with half a cup of skim milk
- a washer of whole wheat bread with 1 tablespoon of cheese to grease skimmed

- 1 apple Lunch

- Fillet of cod
- Cabbage Salad colored (purple cabbage), boiled with apple
- an ice cream diet

Appointment - 1 glass of skimmed milk

Merenda - Infusion with 1 /
2 cup skim milk - 3 wholemeal biscuits with cheese to grease skimmed

Dinner - 2 halves of roasted eggplant
- 3 tablespoons of boiled white rice seasoned with salt and fresh herbs
- Diet with apple jelly


Breakfast - Infusion with half a cup of skim milk
- a washer of whole wheat bread with 1 tablespoon of cheese to grease skimmed

- 1 gelatina con pezzi di mela ed arancia

- 1 pezzo piccolo di carne di vacca senza grasso alla piastra
- Insalata di sedano e mela grattata
- Ensalada con mela

- 1 bicchiere di liquefatto di frutte (mela) pera, arancia, meloncillo,

- Infusión con 1/2 tazza di latte scremato
- 3 biscotti integrali con formaggio per ungere scremato

- Insalata di carota grattata e champignon
- 1 piatto tipo prostri di paste con salsa di pomodori naturali
- 1 mela

- Infusione con mezza tazza di latte scremato
- 1 washer wheat bread with 1 tablespoon of cheese to grease skimmed

Appointment - 1 yogurt skimmed

Lunch - Spinach Tortilla
Mixed salad - with apple puree and cinnamon cream diet.

Appointment - 1 orange Snack

- Infusion with 1 / 2 cup of skim milk
- 3 wholemeal biscuits with cheese to grease skimmed

Dinner - Tuna salad, lettuce, tomato, apple and grated carrot with 1 greedy spoonful of mayonnaise dietary
- Canned apple and peach (fishing)

Saturday: Breakfast

- Infusion with half a cup of skim milk
- 1 washer wheat bread with 1 tablespoon of cheese to grease skimmed

Appointment - 1 fishing (fishing)

Lunch - 1 slice of cake ligth, without cover, spinach
- salad with grated carrot and apple
- Ensalada

Contribution - a roasted apple

Merenda - Infusion with 1 / 2 cup of skim milk
- 3 wholemeal biscuits with cheese to grease skimmed

Dinner - Brochette of chicken with peppers and onions
- Tomato Salad and grated carrot
- an apple or other fruit for election

Sunday: Breakfast

- Infusion with half a cup of skim milk
- 1 rondella di pane integrale con 1 cucchiaiata di formaggio per ungere scremato

- Conserva di mela e pesca (pesca)

- 1 pezzo piccolo di carne di vacca alla piastra con brócolis al vapore
- Gelatina con formaggio bianco scremato

- Insalata

- Infusione con 1/2 tazza di latte scremato
- 3 biscotti integrali con formaggio per ungere scremato

- Verduras al vapore con guarnizione di riso riso bianco lesso, 2 cucchiaiate,
- insalata

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Diet Diet

In che cosa consiste:

Per secoli, le conoscenze della natura furono limitate, e la tecnologia non aveva raggiunto ancora il suo plenum sviluppo. Il pensiero della gente era incatenato alle credenze tradizionali e conservatrici, e la mentalità dell'uomo non era tanto libero di pregiudizi. Chiunque che si allontanasse dalla cosa tradizionale era segnalato come "traditore" alla società.

Nel seno di questa comunità vecchia e conservatrice, la "esperienza" accumulata era la fonte del sapere e si considerava il più prezioso tesoro. I giovani rispettavano i maggiori per la sua esperienza.

In allora quello, quando ad una persona gli succedeva qualcosa, la cosa in primo luogo e fondamentale era la sua risposta emozionale verso quello successo. Tali esperienze si spiegano per mezze della "saggezza", cedendo step to "knowledge."
The person who owned much experience and knowledge, was qualified to receive the great nature that includes human nature and celestial cycles. This human nature was extensively studied and investigated, and thus give way to tradition.

The Traditional Medicine of China is one of the oldest art sanacion. In fact, it is a preventive medicine.

ancient times, monks were the employees of the health of the village. Visited families in the form of periodic and through different techniques maintain good health of the inhabitants who remunerate those services through barter.
The oldest book of Traditional Medicine, China is the Huangdi Neijing (Canone di medicina interna), scritto in forma di dialogo tra l'Imperatore giallo ed il suo medico di famiglia. Lì possiamo trovare le proprietà curative della granata e del rabarbaro. L'imperatore KIWANG-tu abituava a darsi bagni con quelle erbe per il suo dolori articulares.

La dietetica cinese, insieme all'Agopuntura, la fitoterapia ed il massaggio formano parte dei pilastri terapeutici fondamentali della Medicina Tradizionale la Cina.
Con l'agopuntura ed il massaggio mobilitiamo e regoliamo l'energia; con la fitoterapia e la dieta preserviamo e nutriamo l'essenza.
Se la nutrizione è adeguata, l'energia sarà abbondante, gli organi saranno ben nutriti ed il "Shen" fiorirà, il nostro sistema nervoso and our emotions will stay in harmony.
Power is therefore essential to get the balance, harmony, and therefore the overall health.

The Traditional Medicine, China classifies foods according to different criteria:

According to the energy or intrinsic nature of the food:

- food and warm temperate tone, warm, ascend, move.
- Food Neutral: stabilize, harmonize, centered.
- Fresh food and cold: cool, celery, astringen, moisturize.

According to his taste: Each flavor has a different characteristic energy:

- acidic foods: astringen, contract energy inwards.
affects liver and the gall bladder, Wood element.
- Food bitter: promote drainage and evacuation, descend and dry.
act on the heart and intestine Magro, Fire element.
- salty foods: In moderate amounts soften, lubricate.
They act on the kidney and urinary bladder, part watered down.
- food cakes: step up the energy and oil.
act on the spleen, pancreas and stomach, Earth element.

According to its color:

- Food rossi: rivitalizzano.
- Alimenti gialli: stabilizzano, equilibrano.
- Alimenti verdi: disintossicano, depurano.
- Alimenti neri: astringen, tonificano il "Jing" (essenza).
- Alimenti bianchi: purificano.

Secondo il tropismo del meridiano:

Ogni alimento ha un meridiano di impatto principale:
Esempio: La pera per il meridiano del polmone gli spinaci per quello del fegato la zucca per quello della Milza le castagne per il cuore gli azukis per il rene.

Secondo il movimento dell'energia che inducono, eccetera

Tenendo in conto tutti questi criteri e secondo la diagnosi della persona we solve the food more convenient to correct the imbalances.

not fixed but is a diet fit the particular conditions of each person, physique, age, time of year, the country where you live, type of work that creates, type of disease that presents etc
does not take into account the quantitative (amount of food, but the quality) the quality of the food energy.
is based on the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine that takes into account the whole human being, from the whole.

To apply this type of diet will require knowledge Traditional Medicine of China prior or counsel for a professional.

Sample menu: 2
We diets comparative to
Type A: a chilly person, slow, fatigue with a tendency to fatigue.
B: an active, nervous, and bloated with the hot trend.

- Cream of oats with a little 'of 2 or 3 cinnamon and nuts.

- Fruit salad station with orange juice or yogurt, better than goat.

Lunch (noon):
- miso soup with wakame seaweed and carrots.
- Azukis, I read with onion and a little 'pumpkin, leeks, garlic cloves and a bit' of jenjibre, accompanied by brown rice.
- kneel: baked apple.
- Infusion: liquorice and sage or thyme.

- varies with radish salad, grated turnip, endivias, germinated, nori seaweed and sunflower pipe.
- Pascola integral (macaroni) spaghetti ..) with cooked vegetables or assaulted.
- kneel: ricotta.
- Infusion: camomile or mint mentions.

- soup brown rice and buckwheat.
- Grilled chicken with vegetable stew.

- Cream of asparagus seeds sesame.
- Fish Stew with vegetables in the juice. In the Type A diet you choose foods in nature warm, neutral and some hot. In type B is majority
food fresh and neutral and some cold.
We will also take into account the tastes, colors, etc.

really the Diet under the Traditional Medicine China helps us to be conscious at all times of how we feel, with warm or cold, tired or excited, dryness or excessive sweating, etc.., and from here change our diet with just a few alterations to recover the balance.

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Chinese Medicine for Women working

A diet that allows you to lose weight with easy to carry food to the office. Prepared by Dr. Carlos Graschinsky per le donne che realizzano uno dei suoi cibi nell'ufficio e con scarso tempo.

La Dieta per la donna lavoratrice, creata per il prestigioso endocrinologo Carlos Graschinsky aiuta a dimagrire come minimo 3 chili in una settimana, portando il cibo all'ufficio, ma come tutte le diete, suggeriamo la consultazione previa col suo medico per realizzare un controllo.

Per ottenere migliori risultati, si raccomanda fare attività fíasica e camminare 30 minuti continui tutti i giorni.

Può realizzarla per una settimana, in caso di dovere seguirla per più tempo, si raccomanda la consultazione col suo medico e completare il Test di Diete Personalizzate in

Infusione di tè comune o di erbe, o caffè
ambedue possono essere tagliati con latte scremato.
Una fetta biscottata di pane nero unta con formaggio bianco sgrassato, o marmellata da frutta diet.
Una mela, o un yogurt senza cereali.

Non ci sono limiti col tè nell'ufficio, ad eccezione delle persone che soffrono anemia,; rispetto al caffè, tentare di non bere più di tre per giorno (evitarlo le ipertese).

Pranzo (Cibo)

Alternativa 1

Un schizzo di uccello preparato con mezzo petto di pollo, peperoni, carota, cipolla, può evitarla, e pomodoro. È permesso aggregare una cucchiaiata di olio di oliva extravirgen, or soy and lemon juice. In the case to be hypotensive, blood pressure below 100/60, salt aggregates,

Alternative 2

A small can of tuna (goliardia, the native, with no oil) mixed with onion, can prevent and tested to replace (peppers) peppers, tomatoes point or washers.

Alternative 3

A chicken breast and cut half a tomato.

Merenda, medium late,
A grain-free diet fruit yogurt
A glass of juice (juice, fruit, nuts) or vegetables


Alternative 1

Vegetable soup or broth to your taste.
Un filetto di pesce, o pollo, o carne di vitella magra, con poco grasso.
Un'insalata di carota grattata, lattuga e pomodoro, condita con succo di limone.

Alternativa 2

Brodo al suo gusto, o zuppa di verdure.
Un'insalata completa (lattuga) pomodoro, carota, prezzemolo, aglio, cetrioli, patata (papa).
Gelatina dietetica o una frutta.

Alternativa 3

Mezz'ora prima di cenare:
Un liquefatto di arance con pesca (pesca), o fresi con succo di arance e dolcificante.

Un petto di pollo senza pelle alla piastra, condita con succo di limone e prezzemolo
Insalata di lattuga e cipolla, or tomato.

If, during the week of diet lost less than 2.5 kilograms, it is important to realize that the Test for Weight Loss in, so will know how your metabolism is working.

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Diet Diet Pizza Pasta

With this diet can lose weight by 5 to 6 pounds per month. We must make it as indicated, although it is not necessary to take exact quantities of food. The diet must be followed by 6 days a week, leaving on Sunday where you can eat freely without abuse of fats and sweets. It is important not to take sugar in teas or juices.

way of following this diet:

Colazione: caffè, tè o un'altra tisana e 1 frutta di stagione.
Media domani: 1 succo di arancia.
Mangi: 1 razione di pollo arrosto o lesso ed aromatizzato con spezie accompagnato con verdura lessa.
Merenda: succo di frutte.
Cena: Pasta con carciofi lessi e rosolati e verdure al forno.

Colazione: fette biscottate con marmellata senza zucchero ed un'infusione di ortiche.
Media domani: succo di frutte.
Mangi: 1 razione di pesce, eccetto crostacei o molluschi, arrosta al forno con acqua e spezie oppure al sale e verdure al vapore.
Merenda: succo di frutte.
Cena: riso integrale con zucchina e verdura lessa.

Breakfast: infusion of herbs and fruits.
tomorrow Media: fruit juice.
Eat: skim cheese and steamed vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: couscous with fresh tomatoes and parsley and boiled vegetables.

Thursday Breakfast: Toast with jam without sugar and an infusion of fennel
tomorrow Media: fruit juice.
Eat: a ration of meat grilled veal and boiled vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: pasta with peas and baked vegetables.

Friday Breakfast: herbal tea and fruit in season.
tomorrow Media: orange juice.
Eat: ration baked fish and steamed vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: corn soup with vegetables and baked vegetables.

Saturday Breakfast: toast with jam without an infusion of sugar and mauve.
tomorrow Media: orange juice.
Eat: rabbit to the casserole and boiled vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: Pasta with the tender fried in a little 'oil and vegetables in the oven.

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A very special diet that allows you to lose weight by eating pizza and pasta. Ideal for weekends, absolute indications for healthy people who are not doing the diet and who want to lose 2 pounds in 2 days. Diet and popular in radio created for the doctor Carlos Graschinsky.

All recommendations are for 2 days. Do not repeat the diet without medical supervision.

In a fast take orange juice or grapefruit (grapefruit)

Then 10 minutes of exercises, recommended, not essential.


Tea, coffee or other infusion.
two discs of toasted bread with cheese or jam diet diet. Can replace bread for a snack in the yogurt diet.

Lunch and dinner are interchangeable.
Drink at least 2 liters of fresh water per day. Do not drink while eating.


soup vegetables
Two Pizza slices of tomato with vegetables, we recommend eggplant, champigñones, spinach y / o onion, roasted apple

The eggplant, which is very short in the very thin washers on the pizza. Two portions, one room is a great pizza.

DINNER Vegetable Broth

A small portion of noodles, spaguetis) with Philetus (tomato sauce)
orange preferable to separate the food 1 hour,

The combination of foods is the key to which eating pizza and pasta you lose weight. This diet does not give the desired results in people who are doing low-calorie diets, or those on a diet, because these cases affected the metabolism.

Who should lose more weight, we recommend consulting with her doctor and has at its disposal varied tests that can help you succeed its goals.
is convenient and makes this diet walking, walking 60 minutes per day, in continuous form.

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Diet Zone Diet

With this nutritional program, your body converts stored fat into energy daily, helping to maintain lean. We recommend that before starting any diet, visit a nutriólogo realize that a medical examination of the state of your body and you should bring out a healthy diet.

is a diet based on investigations Scientific, avant-garde sound and discovered that the form of losing weight and staying permanently in the appropriate, improving the efficiency physical and mental health, and also prevent any disease.

'zone' was born more than 15 years ago in the United States with Dr. Barry Sears, and is currently the favored diet of Hollywood stars.

What gives?

Its creator promises that this diet will help you: *

Losing weight with satiety. * Investing
the aging process.
* Finish with symptoms of many afflictions such as menopause, hypertension, diabetes and cancer, among others. * Check
hormonal functions your body, regulating its influence on metabolism, and insulin in maintaining their optimal levels.
* Achieving maximum health and vitality, and enjoy their entirety.

The menu consists of learning how to swing carbohydrates, proteins and fats you eat at all, in a proportion of 40 percent, 30 percent and 30 percent respectively.

eat more carbohydrates than protein, our body uses the excess fat that we have to turn it into daily energy, managing your metabolism to reach a balance that helps to maintain a lean body.

The menu of 'the zone' is strictly individual, the amount of foods based on your weight, body fat percentage and physical activity. It is advisable to five meals a day, two of which should be light, and shall not spend more than four hours without eating, because otherwise it drops the rate of insulin and alter the levels of blood sugar. The area is held

easier access to stocks of stored fat instead of carbohydrates to accumulate as a source of energy, that is also reflected in a higher concentration of mind which not only helps them be more productive, but will improve physical performance.

in the diet to stay in the area, it is advisable to five meals per day, two of which will be mild. They must not ever let go more than four or five hours between them, as that would precipitate the rate of insulin and alter the levels of blood sugar.

recommended foods in the diet of the area are the following:


- The benefit of carbohydrates depends on its speed to enter the blood stream, indicates its glycemic index, the speed in which they are transformed into more or less glucose depending on the secretion of insulin.

- We have to avoid foods with high glycemic index that is increasing a lot and very fast blood sugar levels like refined sugar, honey, glucose, white bread, potatoes and all the cereals, and pasta products made with white flour, refined.

- On the contrary, we will take those of slower absorption and that found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains because the fiber helps to derive the absorption of sugars and fats, which amount to as much as speed.


- Inside the plants have the tofu, gluten or seitan, seaweed Espirulina, brewer's yeast or of sprouted lentils or soy and all legumes: soybeans, lentils, chickpeas and beans.

- Among the animal proteins are recommended: meat chicken, turkey, rabbit, such as bluefish and magro del prosciutto.

- Yogurt e latti fermentati si eviteranno ad ogni costa del resto di prodotti lattei numeri interi, come i formaggi e le carni rosse.

- Per fare le nostre combinazioni possiamo utilizzare anche la proteina in polvere.

I grassi li otterremo dell'olio di oliva, delle olive o della maionese.

Inconvenienti della dieta della zona

Bisogna tentare che il tipo di proteine sia la cosa più salutare possibile per non sovraccaricare i reni e non acidificare troppo il nostro organismo.

Esempio di un menù della dieta della zona
Colazione :
1. - fette biscottate di pane integrale con prosciutto dolce or mountain, without the fat, and coffee only lightly loaded.
2. - Two-fat yogurt or kefir, with muesli, unsweetened, and you coffee or red.

mid-morning snack: 1
. - A piece of fruit, pear, apple, and five almonds or hazelnuts.
2. - A sweet soy and dried fruit.
3. - Substitute for the refreshment bar those arrangements, provided they carry a protein ratio of between 50 percent and 100 percent of carbohydrates.

The only thing we need is to maintain a balance of all foods including proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The ideal proportion is 0.75 percent, ie, 3 gr of protein per 4 grs. of carbohydrates. In addition to the proportion of food should take into account the quantity, it depends on the sex, weight, body fat percentage and physical activity of each individual.

This diet allows us to forget to continue to count calories. Observations on the diet of the area: Many nutritionists coincide in that we had to take many proteins do not cover our orders necessary.

So many people concerned about weight, health or who have adopted a vegetarian diet normally feed on fruit, bread, cheese and a little thing. The lack

memory, loss of muscle mass, low energy and courage and was often dimissioni tassi di colesterolo normalmente sono segni che ci stiamo allontanando dalla zona. La combinazione la dieta della zona con la dieta secondo il gruppo sanguineo normalmente danno, spesso, risultati spettacolari.

In che cosa consiste la dieta della zona
Il benessere, l'assenza di malattia, la salute ottima è lo stato metabolico nel quale il corpo e la mente funzionano al massimo della sua efficienza, quello è stare in alla Zona. La via per entrare nella Zona consiste in una dieta equilibrata, nel che idrati di carbonio, proteine e grassi si sentono rigorosamente controllati dentro ogni mangi.

Questa dieta nasce come opposizione alle diete ricche in idrati di carbonio, dato che queste non riescono a fare sparire l'eccesso di grasso corporale; questo è poiché provocano una sovrapproduzione di insulina, e la produzione di eicosanoides brutti. L'eccesso di insulina si tradursi in una discesa del livello di zucchero (glucosio, nel sangue) che è trasformata in grassa e contemporaneamente blocca l'accesso alle nostre riserve di grasso, in ultima istanza tutto ciò conduce alla malattia. Questa è la spiegazione di perché le diete alte in idrati di carbonio, producono sensazione di fatica, ogni volta fa che ci sentiamo con meno energia fisica ed ogni volta accumuliamo più grasso corporale.

Nella Zona si tiene più facile accesso alle riserve di grasso accumulato, invece di agli idrati di carbonio accumulati, come fonte di energia, what is also reflected in a higher concentration of mind which not only helps them be more productive, but will improve physical performance.

in the diet to stay in the area, it is advisable to five meals a day, two of which will be mild.
should not ever let go more than four or five hours between them, as that would precipitate the rate of insulin and alter the levels of blood sugar.

recommended foods in the diet of the area are the following:
Carbohydrates: The benefit of carbohydrates depends on its speed to enter the blood stream, indicates its glycemic index, the speed in which they are converted into more or less glucose depending on the secretion of insulin.

We must avoid foods with a high glycemic index that is increasing a lot and very fast blood sugar levels like refined sugar, honey, glucose, white bread, potatoes and all the cereals, and pasta products made with flour white, fine.
the contrary, we will take those of slower absorption and that found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains because the fiber helps to derive the absorption of sugars and fats, which amount to as much as speed.

Protein : Inside the plants have the tofu, gluten or seitan, seaweed Espirulina, the yeast or of sprouted lentils or soy and all legumes (soybean), lentils, chickpeas, porotos, and so on.
Among the animal protein recommended are the chicken, turkey, rabbit, such as blue fish and lean ham. Yogurt and fermented milk, dairy products run away from the rest of integers, such as cheese. This will avoid red meat. To make our combinations we can use the protein powder.

Fats: Fats we will get the olive oil, olives, and mayonnaise.

Drawbacks of the diet of the area
We groped that the type of protein is the most healthy as possible to avoid overloading the kidneys and do not acidify our body too.

Example of a menu of the diet of the area

1. - Slices of toasted bread with mountain ham, or sweet, without the fat, and coffee only lightly loaded.
2. - Two-fat yogurt or kefir, with muesli, unsweetened, and you coffee or red. Mid-morning

1. - A piece of fruit, pear, apple, and five almonds or hazelnuts.
2. - A sweet soy and dried fruit.
3. - Substitute for the refreshment bar those arrangements, provided they carry a protein ratio of between 50 percent and 100 percent of carbohydrates.

Meal / cena
Una proteina, petto pollo 120 grs; 120 petto pavo,hamburguesa pollo-tacchino; tonno 140 grs; salmone 180 grs, merluzzo 180 grs.
Più un idrato di carbonio: cavolo, cavolfiore, broccolo, fagiolini, pomodoro, lattuga, e qualunque frutta.
Grasso. 12 olive o 4 cucchiai piccolo maionese light o 1 cucchiaiata e media di olio di oliva.

Vantaggi della dieta della zona
Serve per perdere grasso corporale, migliora il rendimento fisico nel caso degli atleti e la nostra miglioramento salute.
La cosa unica che necessitiamo è mantenere di Tutti i cibi un equilibrio tra proteine, idrati di carbonio e grasse.
La proporzione ideale è del 0.75 percento, cioè 3 gr di proteine per ogni 4 grs. di idrati di carbonio.

Oltre ai proporciónde alimenti bisogna tenere in conto la quantità, questo dipende dal sesso, peso, percentuale di grasso corporale ed attività fisica di ogni individuo.
Questa dieta ci permette di dimenticarci di continuare a contare calorie.

Osservazioni sulla dieta della zona
Molti nutrizionisti coincidono in che abbiamo passato di prendere molte proteine a non coprire le nostre ingiunzioni necessarie.
Così molte persone preoccupate per il peso, la salute o che hanno adottato una dieta vegetariana normalmente alimentano di frutta, pane, formaggio e poca cosa più.
La mancanza a memoria, perdita di massa muscolare, low energy level and status of courage and resignation often cholesterol levels are usually signs that we are moving away from the area.
Combining diet with the diet of the area under the blood group normally give, often spectacular results.

Here we present an example of the one-day menu: Breakfast

grapefruit juice 1 / 2 apple 2
clear of fried egg en1
tablespoon corn oil 1 slice of turkey ham
50 grams of panela cheese

1 / 2 pear
1 / 4 cup cottage cheese 1 pat

90 grams of meat,
chicken or fish 1 / 2 cup rice 2 cups of raw vegetables

1 tablespoon oil 1 kiwi

snack crackers

3 50 grams of panela cheese, olives

90 grams
tuna 2 cups lettuce 1
1 / 2 slice of whole wheat bread
1 / 2 tablespoon of light mayonnaise

Advantages and disadvantages
In all cases the amount of food are very small, because it allows only 1.100 consume calories which is a low amount for many nutriólogos. However, his followers and ensure that it is easy to satiate make nutritional injunctions.

Inoltre bisogna curare che le proteine siano le più salutari possibile, per non sovraccaricare i reni. Ma in generale è una dieta semplice di portarsi a termine.

Funziona realmente?
Con 'la zona' sé si perde peso, a patto che riesca a mangiare meno. Ma è indispensabile che per portarla a termine consulti ad un nutrizionista che ti realizzi un curriculum medico e continui a controllare il tuo adempimento.

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6 lunches

Questa è una dieta oscillata che si permette mangiare fino a 6 volte al giorno. Ma, occhio! Per riuscire i risultati attesi deve accordarsi con sessioni di allenamento fisiche tre volte alla settimana.

Durata : Come è una dieta oscillata, being it can be a long period of time until it succeeds as expected, provided that a healthy person, with no need for special nutrition.

Breakfast:, 7:00 to 8:00 am,

A, 2 oz. of oats in water. A banana (Guinea) banana. Coffee or tea with sugar diet. , If you use milk, it must be skimmed.
B, intricate egg, 2 eggs. You can aggregate onion, bell pepper or tomato. Two slices of toasted bread with cheese or a slice of cheese low in fat.


A, A fruit (apple) pear, grapes, papaya.
B, A low-fat yogurt.

Lunch, 12:00 to 1:00 pm,

A, 4 oz. chicken baked, grilled or steamed with a salad with oil and vinegar * complete. In the days of the exercise you can aggregate a spoonful of rice or potato (potato) roasted without butter.
B, 4 oz. of steak to the pan with salad complete with oil and vinegar. In the days of the exercise you can aggregate a spoonful of rice or potato (potato) roasted without butter.
C, 4oz. fish to the pan, no butter salad complete.

By mid-afternoon: A

, fruit (apple) pear, grapes, papaya.
B, A low-fat yogurt.

Dinner, 7:00 to 9:00 pm,

A, 4oz. steak in a frying pan complete with salad oil and vinegar.
B, 4 oz of ground beef hamburger with the fat-free salad complete.
C, 4oz. salmon to the pan with salad complete. Before going to bed

A, A fruit, except bananas.
B, Yogurt floor in fat.
C, 1.5 oz. of oats in water.

(*) Complete Salad: Accepts lettuce, tomato, carrot, beet, chick peas, zeta, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, celery and pickle. Mais, only during the exercise.

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fiber diet of pasta

normally Our grandmothers called them " residue" and although scientists call themselves the "dietary fiber " have been popularized as " fiber." Foods rich in fiber are in a paper of great importance to good nutrition.

Well known for his ground-floor sediment energy, fibrous foods such as celery, green leafy vegetables, vegetables, apples, they also have other important benefits for weight control. Require more time to chew properly and are vented stomach more slowly, that helps to control the sensation of hunger.

This plan will allow us to eat rich during the winter, while at the same time, control cholesterol and down a few extra pounds.

There are foods that are both light and rich, and protect us from cancer and high cholesterol, and helped us get those pesky extra pounds? We have excellent news: the answer is self. These are the dishes prepared with foods rich in plant fibers. What makes these fibers so beneficial to our health and appearance? It's simple, the fiber is an important part of vegetables, legumes and fruits, but the human body absorbs them. In contrast, the fibers, which are divided into soluble and insoluble, the basic function help to eliminate waste.

So what better than to replace the pope for a tortilla tortilla chard or fresh fruit salad for pudding? Although it seems a sacrifice, the assured che vale la pena lo sforzo che - rapidamente potrà come comprovare - non sarà tale, perché gli alimenti ricchi in fibre hanno il vantaggio di produrre sensazione di sazietà mangiando piccole porzioni, dovuto all'alto assorbimento di acqua che possiedono.
Per controllare il colesterolo e la concentrazione di zucchero nel sangue, posto vacante ideale consumare crusca di avena, avena raggomitolata e legumi, questi fanno parte delle fibre solubili. La crusca di grano, i cereali e pani integrali, insieme ai gusci e fusti di verdure e frutte sono ricche in fibre insolubili. Inoltre, la maggior parte degli alimenti ricchi in fibre risultano poveri in grasse, quello che fa loro ideali per essere consumati quando si desidera scendere da peso, vedere Table of calories.

to have much in regard: it must add fiber supplements to the diet of free sale without permission from the doctor. He must also discard the autoprescrizione of laxatives is because in many cases alter the normal functioning of the intestine.

Once in the stomach and intestines, the fibers swell. For this process to happen properly you must ingest a good amount of liquids. We give you all the information it needs to make this plan that has a variety of foods daily. This diet is intended for healthy adult women who do not suffer from health problems and who wish to get rid of some pounds. To complete it, as with any other diet, the vacancy must medical advice.
And now, to choose the favorite dish! Good luck!

pudding with cheese and broccoli, for 4 servings,

Ingredients: 2 washers bran bread, 1 cup of skim milk, 300 g of creamed cottage cheese, 3 to green onions, 1 egg, 500 g of brocoli, 3 clear, 1 cdita. leudante powder, salt, pepper and parsley to taste.
Soak the bread of bran in skim milk, season with salt and pepper. Aggregating the ricotta cheese, onions greening point, parsley and egg. Add the cooked sliced \u200b\u200bbrócolis and, finally, beat the egg whites until stiff with dust leudante. Place in a cake mold, oiled and cook in a moderate oven at 20 to 25 minutes.

Pudding multicolored 4 servings,

Ingredients: 1 / 2 pound of sugar beet, 3 eggs, 2 onions, 60 g of grated cheese, 1 cup cooked brown rice, 200 g of creamed cottage cheese, a head, 2 bundles of spinach, 30 grams of Roquefort cheese, 1 onion, salt and pepper to taste.
Mix grated beets with 1 beaten egg, 1 onion and half the grated cheese, salt and pepper. Separately, mix the cup of cooked brown rice with half of creamed cottage cheese, the rest of the grated cheese, the head point, 1 egg and the grated onion, salt and pepper. Finally, mix the cooked spinach and Roquefort cheese with the point, the rest of ricotta, 1 grated onion, 1 beaten egg, salt and pepper. Oil and flour a budinera a mixture and place on another. Cook in a bain marie in a moderate oven until it is stopped. Allow to cool and after desmoldar.

Cake Diet, 10 servings,

Ingredients: 6 slices of bread, 400 g of creamed cottage cheese, 3 eggs, vanilla extract, 50 g of bran rods, artificial endulcorante, 30 g raisin grape without seed, 1 / 2 liter of diet gelatin and salt.
Wallpapering a rectangular mold with slices of bread toasted in advance and bark. Mix the creamed cottage cheese with egg yolks, vanilla essence, the rod bran, artificial sweetener, the uvette di uva ed incorporare, finalmente, le chiare battute a neve con un pizzico di sale. Rovesciare sul pane ed infornare a temperatura moderata durante 20 a 25 minuti. Lasciare raffreddare e coprire con la gelatina dietetica preparata. Lasciare solidificare e mantenere nella gelataia fino al momento di servire.

Torta di carne e cavolo cappuccio , per 6 porzioni,

Ingredienti: 2 cipolle, 1 cda. di olio, 2 denti di aglio, 1 foglia di alloro, peperone rosso, 1 peperone verde, 3/4 chilo di carne punto fetta di prosciutto, brodo in quantità necessaria, 1/2 chilo di cavolo cappuccio, 30 g di maizena, 1/2 litro di latte scremato, 30 g di formaggio di macchina; sale, pepe, peperone macinato e paprica for seasoning. Sauté onions
point with a spoonful of oil, with garlic point and incorporate the bay, the IIA red and green bell pepper cut into Giuliani. Cook a few minutes and stir in the meat section slice of ham, aggregating broth during cooking to prevent it from drying. Season with salt, pepper, ground pepper and paprika. Cut the cabbage in Julian and mix with the meat. Place this mixture into a source of glass furnace previously oiled. Prepare a white sauce, cornstarch dissolved in skimmed milk and cook, without ceasing to stir, until it thickens. Season with salt and pepper and cheese machine point. Turn out the meat mixture, and bake 45 minutes moderate oven.

protect you against colon cancer by eating vegetables and leaf vegetables prepared in the form of puddings and cakes. Learn how to choose foods that will help you to detoxify and stay away from disease during the cold days.

Adapt your body to change

The ideal amount of recommended fiber consumption is 30 g daily. If we are not accustomed to ingesting these foods need to incorporate a little, because it may cause diarrhea. In these cases, the consumption will increase gradually, starting with pumpkin, carrot, beet, palm, heart of alcaucil, eggplant, sprouts, asparagus and beets case. Then add carrots
and raw grated beets and even ripe tomatoes, shredded lettuce in Julian is very fine, cooked spinach or chard, but cut into larger pieces. Finally, add the rest of the vegetables.

As the fruits have to start from the most gentle, and eat cooked and peeled (apples) pears, peaches, quinces and Damascus, after eating them raw and grated, or in syrup diet. Then add the rest, raw and without restrictions.

As for cereals is recommended to start with biscuits and breads, and after incorporating well-boiled rice and beans, soaked and cooked, mashed and after the principle that informs. At this height, the body is used to absorb fiber, so can be added - starting at 1 cdita. and up to no more than 2 cdas. Daily - wheat bran or oat. The whole process of incorporation of fiber can lead, depending on the amount of fiber that can tolerate at first, between 2 weeks and 2 months.

Buy healthier

To follow this diet should be how to replace this food "engordantes" for which contain fiber. Olvidémonos run after the white bread and bran or wholemeal bread. Let alone the biscuits and water stretched out my hand to those in the supermarket gondola bran. After a worthy farewell to the egg noodles, noodles integral hagámonos fanatics. Forget mashed popes - we are not baby now - and opt for a super stringy spinach or mashed zapallo. Let the pudding and ice cream is eaten by people with less temperature and that we, when we ask for dessert at the restaurant, say automatically: fresh fruit salad. Olvidémonos solve a seal with the Pope and egg salad, or golosh old and we are firm in our convictions and impose the salad leaves, rich in fiber.

MONDAY ': Fasting: Juice of 2 oranges.
Breakfast: coffee with skim milk and sweetener and a slice of toasted rye bread with a board of directors. white cheese.
Lunch: Homemade soup of grated vegetables, pudding, cheese and brocoli, vedere ricetta, e 1 yogurt con 1 cda. di bacchetti di crusca.
Merenda: cappuccino con dolcificante e 1 sbarra di cereale integrale.
Conferimento del pomeriggio: 1 rondella di ananas o melone fresco.
Cena: brodo con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 porzione di sogliola con guarnizione di ratatouille di zapallitos, cavolo cappuccio, bietola e chauchas, insalata di arance e kiwi, con 1 cda. di formaggio bianco battuto con dolcificante ed essenza di vaniglia.

MARTEDI' : A digiuno: succo di 1 pompelmo.
Colazione: tè con latte scremato e dolcificante e 2 biscotti di crusca con 1 cda. di marmellata di arance dietetica.
Pranzo: zuppa di pomodori casalinga liquefatta con 1 cda. di crusca, budino multicolore, see recipe, and 1 / 2 grapefruit with sweetener.
Snack: 1 skim yogurt with 30 g of bran rod.
Contribution of the afternoon: 1 orange.
Dinner: vegetable soup in pieces, 1 / 4 grilled skinless chicken, seasoned with herbs, accompanied with a salad of grated green apple, grated carrot, some grapefruit segments, dressed with yogurt, skimmed milk mixed with orange juice and lemon gelatin and a diet with fruits.

WEDNESDAY ': Fasting: Juice of 2 oranges.
Breakfast: checkmate boiled with milk and sweetener and 2 rice biscuits with a board of directors. creamed cottage cheese.
Lunch: Homemade soup of vegetables, 1 / 2 pumpkin filled with 1 / 2 cup of golosh di lattina, 30 g di mozzarella, 1 feta di prosciutto cruda sgrassata picchiata e 1/2 tazza di salsa bianca preparata senza burro, come quella dei finocchi gratinati, conserva di 1 pera fresca e 2 prugne disseccate con dolcificante.
Merenda: 1 liquefatto di latte scremato con 3 orejones di pesche cotte con dolcificante.
Conferimento del pomeriggio: 1 macedonia fresche senza zucchero.
Cena: brodo con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 lombo tallii con insalata di bianca di sedano, peperone rosso crudo in giuliana, cuori di alcaucil, champignon cotti, mela verde grattata condita con 1 cdita. di maionese diet, yogurt naturale, 1 pizzico di senape, sale e pepe. 1 arancia.

Giovedì : A digiuno: succo di 2 mandarini.
Colazione: caffè con latte scremato con dolcificante e 1 fetta biscottata di crusca con 1 cda. di marmellata di fragole dietetica.
Pranzo: zuppa di veccie fresche liquefatta, 1 tazza di porotos dosati una volta cotti con salsa di pomodori fatta senza olio e pezzi di verdure cotte e 2 metà di pesche in sciroppo dietetici.
Merenda: 1 barattolo di latte coltivato scremato con 3 cdas. di müslix. Conferimento del pomeriggio: 1 carota e bianco di sedano crudo. Cena: brodo con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 porzione di salmone alla piastra con limone ed insalata di ananas in sciroppo diet, pomodori esperte, arancia, sedano e 1 cda. di salsa golf diet. 1 yogurt scremato frutado.

VENERDI' : A digiuno: succo di 1 grapefruit.
Breakfast: tea with sweetener and skim milk with 2 wholemeal biscuits with a board of directors. white cheese.
Lunch: soup of liquefied zapallo and 1 / 2 cup of brown rice mixed with a casserole of vegetables (carrots) mushrooms, chauchas, cabbage, Brussels and tomato sauce diet. 1 bergamot.
Snack: 1 capucchino with sweetener and a bar of whole grain.
Contribution of the afternoon: 1 skimmed yogurt.
Dinner: soup with a board of directors. yeast, a breaded chicken breast with egg and cooked bran in Teflon, with a salad of raw spinach, cauliflower, radishes, boiled egg and topped with a cdita. oil, 1 cda. cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Fresh pineapple.

SABATO : A digiuno: succo di 2 arance.
Colazione: scacco matto lesso con latte scremato con dolcificante e 2 biscotti di grano gonfiato con 1 cda. di marmellata dietetica di prugne.
Pranzo: zuppa di verdure in giuliana, finocchi gratinati con salsa bianca preparata con 1/2 tazza di latte scremato nei quali si è dissolto 1 cdita. di farina e senza associato di grasse, cotto tutto per lesso, mozzarella e basilico fresco. Conserva di mele ed orejones senza zucchero.
Merenda: tè con limone e dolcificante e 1 porzione di torta dietetica (vedere ricette).
Conferimento del pomeriggio: gelatina diet con frutte punto.
Cena: zuppa di carote liquefatta con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 rondella di peceto al forno magro cabbage salad with colored Julian, grated carrot, red pepper, lettuce, Creole, boiled beet and endive. Aspic mandarin diet.

Sunday : Fasting: Juice of 1 grapefruit.
Breakfast: coffee with sweetener and skim milk with a slice of toasted bread with a board of directors. cottages.
Lunch: vegetable soup, liquefied, meat pies and cabbage (see recipe), a stuffed orange salad with pineapple, grated apple and skimmed yogurt vanilla.
Snack: tea with skim milk sweetener with 2 rice biscuits with a board of directors. diet raspberry jam flavor.
Contribution of the afternoon: 3 canned plums without sugar.
Dinner: soup with a board of directors. of oat bran, a tomato stuffed with shrimp and kani kama, galoshes, lettuce, cooked carrot, celery, 1 cda. diet of mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Fresh fruit salad with a sweetener.

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He had always considered that the dough had to be eliminated any dieting. A belief that was based on the consideration of carbohydrates as mere sources of energy for the body. Some studies, however, contradict that perception and argue that the dough is not conducive to being overweight as long as you consume it with common sense, ie, no aggregates too many condiments.

is arriving but away and presents in the ingestion of a diet of pasta at the time of the dinner. Thus, argue that the practice vacancy very effective if you prepare the appropriate form, and during the rest of the day, you
ingest vegetables, meats, fish and cheese. The specialists also recommend drinking two liters of water every day and replace sugar for fructose and sauces, and spices for flavoring.



Breakfast: coffee or fruit infusion and media fresh.all tomorrow: natural orange juice, lemon or other citrus fruit without sugar.
Eat: Grilled chicken CONM vegetables boiled and seasoned with a little 'oil, salt and spices, and cheese.
Dinner: pasta with vegetables to taste grid.


Breakfast: toast with a mermelza without sugar, yogurt and skimmed infusion. A sock tomorrow: fruit juice without sugar.
Eat: Roasted baked fish and steamed vegetables.
Dinner: whole wheat pasta with zucchini and boiled vegetables.


Breakfast: Coffee or infusion and a piece of fruit. A sock tomorrow: a glass of skim milk.
Eat: cheese and steamed vegetables
Dinner: chicken breast with tomato sauce and boiled vegetables.

FOURTH DAY Breakfast: toast with jam and sugar-free infusion. A sock domani: succo di frutta senza zucchero.
Mangi: carne di vitella o di maiale alla griglia e verdura lessa. Formaggini scremati (2).
Cena: pasta con piselli e verdura alla piastra o alla parilla.


Colazione. Caffè o infusione e frutta fresca. A calza domani: un bicchiere di latte scremato.
Mangi: Pesce alla planca o griglia, verdure lesse o al vapore ed un yogurt scremato, senza zucchero.
Cena: zuppa di pasta e legume e verdura alla griglia


Colazione: fette biscottate con marmellata senza zucchero. A calza domani: succo di frutte.
Mangi: coniglio o pollo arrosto e verdure lesse.
Cena: pasta con peperoni gialli e rossi e verdura, gratinata con formaggio.


Colazione: caffè o infusione e frutta. A calza domani: succo di frutta.
Mangi. uova sodo, verduta e patate alla griglia.
Cena: pizza con verdure e formaggio e verdura alla griglia. Le verdure e condimenti che accompagnino alla pasta devono rosolarsi con poco olio.

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Diet Diet Diet

La combinazione adeguata dell'alimenti aiuto alla digestione, a sentirsi migliore ed anche a dimagrire ha bisogno di lui a chi. Il dottore Carlos Graschinsky, ci progettò una dieta sana di tre giorni che serve come modello in quanto ad una buona combinazione di alimenti.

È importante sapere che for similar foods may change, as a replacement for other similar fish. Consider the menues as examples that you can tailor to their tastes and physical wear that creates.

Lunches and dinners are interchangeable.

From the three examples, each person can plan your menus for several days, in all cases recommend medical supervision, use the surgery free online test and implement the personalized diet, antioxidants, .

Breakfast Menu 1
One skimmed yogurt, skimmed milk, 10 almonds or walnuts

juice, juice, vegetables

Salmon grilled or thallium.
(seasoned with garlic) depends on the social developments, parsley, olive oil extravirgen, or soy.
spinach soufflé and pumpkin.
Batta 2 clear egg, pumpkin, spinach and crushed, the cook in the oven,


Chicken Dinner, cooked to taste flavored with lemon, pepper, olive oil extravirgen, parsley and garlic if you can.
salad vegetables to your taste. The extravirgen seasoned with olive oil, vinegar, or vinegar, if not hypertensive salt.

Breakfast Menu 2
Yogurt skimmed, skimmed,
Two slices of toasted wheat bread with jam diet.

Spaguetis condito al fileto, salsa di pomodoro casalinga, 1 dente di aglio, prezzemolo e pepe.
Carote grattate, condite al suo gusto.

Un liquefatto di banana, banana, con latte
(Collocare 1 banana pelato, mezzo bicchiere di latte scremato, un po' di ghiaccio e 1 cucchiaiata di zucchero)

Carne bovina o bue cucinati alla piastra o grill
Un'insalata di peperone rosso, sedano e lattuga. Condire con olio di oliva extravirgen, aceto, o aceto ed un pizzico di sale.

Menù 3
Una tazza di tè o un'altra infusione.
Due fette biscottate di pane di crusca unte con marmellata diet.

Insalata di Tonno (Goliardia), con asparagi, spinacio crudo, finocchio e cetriolo.
Soufflé di zucca
(Battere 2 chiara di uovo e zucca pestata), cucinare al forno

Un yogurt scremato diet.

Pesce cucinato al forno. Condito con limone, prezzemolo, olio di oliva extravirgen ed un pizzico di sale.
Champigñones cucinato con molto poco olio di oliva, preparati al forno.

È conveniente avere buone abitudini alimentari, ma non dipendere da una dieta.

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differentiated 3 days of the 7 pounds

Per dieta si capisce la composizione qualitativa e quantitativa degli alimenti che ingeriamo regolarmente. La termine dieta proviene dal latino diaeta che significa "Way of life."

Follow a diet should consist in the pursuit of certain models of eating behavior, with the aim of improving health. But in our days the diet for the person who means the practice, the restriction or prohibition of certain foods, that implies a sacrifice for that person.

DIET Oscillators: is one that fits the needs of each body without causing shortages or surpluses.
diet to lose weight up to 7 kg in a week.

Monday Breakfast: tea or coffee

2 slices whole wheat bread with 50g. non-fat cheese.

Eat: salad

asparagus lettuce tomatoes olives
150g. Veal
a fruit.

Dinner: vegetable soup

150g. Seafood stew
a yogurt.


orange juice 2 slices bread with honey butter


apple cabbage salad
150g. grilled chicken
a fruit.

Dinner: 100g
york ham baked eggplant and pepper fruits

Wednesday Breakfast: tea or coffee

2 slices toast with butter and jam light.

Eat carrots and watercress salad with vegetables, rice

40g. di formaggio parmigiano
1 frutta.

purè di verdura
tortilla di agli teneri
1 frutta.

succo di arancia
2 brioche piccole integrali.

insalata di lenticchie cotte
pomodoro e capperi o cetriolini
filetto di pescato alla piastra

verdura cotta con 1 patata
100g. baccalà al forno con verdure
un yogurt scremato.

caffè o tè
2 affettato pane integrale con burro o margarina light.

insalata con pomodoro
formaggio poco grasso e cipolla
150g. tacchino alla piastra
1 frutta.

insalata di germogli
carota e cipolla pescati alla piastra
1 frutta.

tè o caffè
2 fette biscottate integrali con burro o margarina light

carciofi al forno
vitella alla brace con verdure
una frutta.

purè di zucchina
2 uova sodo
1 lattina di tonno
un yogurt.

caffè o tè
succo di arancia
2 brioche piccole integrali.

baked vegetables or meat with mushrooms papillote

Natilla 1.

white asparagus with mayonnaise light

a spinach tortilla skimmed yogurt.

1 to four months. Can prologues longer, but always under medical supervision.

Chili lost:
Five in the first month.
So you lose more slowly.
Recommended for any healthy person.