Saturday, June 14, 2008

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Diet Zone Diet

With this nutritional program, your body converts stored fat into energy daily, helping to maintain lean. We recommend that before starting any diet, visit a nutriólogo realize that a medical examination of the state of your body and you should bring out a healthy diet.

is a diet based on investigations Scientific, avant-garde sound and discovered that the form of losing weight and staying permanently in the appropriate, improving the efficiency physical and mental health, and also prevent any disease.

'zone' was born more than 15 years ago in the United States with Dr. Barry Sears, and is currently the favored diet of Hollywood stars.

What gives?

Its creator promises that this diet will help you: *

Losing weight with satiety. * Investing
the aging process.
* Finish with symptoms of many afflictions such as menopause, hypertension, diabetes and cancer, among others. * Check
hormonal functions your body, regulating its influence on metabolism, and insulin in maintaining their optimal levels.
* Achieving maximum health and vitality, and enjoy their entirety.

The menu consists of learning how to swing carbohydrates, proteins and fats you eat at all, in a proportion of 40 percent, 30 percent and 30 percent respectively.

eat more carbohydrates than protein, our body uses the excess fat that we have to turn it into daily energy, managing your metabolism to reach a balance that helps to maintain a lean body.

The menu of 'the zone' is strictly individual, the amount of foods based on your weight, body fat percentage and physical activity. It is advisable to five meals a day, two of which should be light, and shall not spend more than four hours without eating, because otherwise it drops the rate of insulin and alter the levels of blood sugar. The area is held

easier access to stocks of stored fat instead of carbohydrates to accumulate as a source of energy, that is also reflected in a higher concentration of mind which not only helps them be more productive, but will improve physical performance.

in the diet to stay in the area, it is advisable to five meals per day, two of which will be mild. They must not ever let go more than four or five hours between them, as that would precipitate the rate of insulin and alter the levels of blood sugar.

recommended foods in the diet of the area are the following:


- The benefit of carbohydrates depends on its speed to enter the blood stream, indicates its glycemic index, the speed in which they are transformed into more or less glucose depending on the secretion of insulin.

- We have to avoid foods with high glycemic index that is increasing a lot and very fast blood sugar levels like refined sugar, honey, glucose, white bread, potatoes and all the cereals, and pasta products made with white flour, refined.

- On the contrary, we will take those of slower absorption and that found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains because the fiber helps to derive the absorption of sugars and fats, which amount to as much as speed.


- Inside the plants have the tofu, gluten or seitan, seaweed Espirulina, brewer's yeast or of sprouted lentils or soy and all legumes: soybeans, lentils, chickpeas and beans.

- Among the animal proteins are recommended: meat chicken, turkey, rabbit, such as bluefish and magro del prosciutto.

- Yogurt e latti fermentati si eviteranno ad ogni costa del resto di prodotti lattei numeri interi, come i formaggi e le carni rosse.

- Per fare le nostre combinazioni possiamo utilizzare anche la proteina in polvere.

I grassi li otterremo dell'olio di oliva, delle olive o della maionese.

Inconvenienti della dieta della zona

Bisogna tentare che il tipo di proteine sia la cosa più salutare possibile per non sovraccaricare i reni e non acidificare troppo il nostro organismo.

Esempio di un menù della dieta della zona
Colazione :
1. - fette biscottate di pane integrale con prosciutto dolce or mountain, without the fat, and coffee only lightly loaded.
2. - Two-fat yogurt or kefir, with muesli, unsweetened, and you coffee or red.

mid-morning snack: 1
. - A piece of fruit, pear, apple, and five almonds or hazelnuts.
2. - A sweet soy and dried fruit.
3. - Substitute for the refreshment bar those arrangements, provided they carry a protein ratio of between 50 percent and 100 percent of carbohydrates.

The only thing we need is to maintain a balance of all foods including proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The ideal proportion is 0.75 percent, ie, 3 gr of protein per 4 grs. of carbohydrates. In addition to the proportion of food should take into account the quantity, it depends on the sex, weight, body fat percentage and physical activity of each individual.

This diet allows us to forget to continue to count calories. Observations on the diet of the area: Many nutritionists coincide in that we had to take many proteins do not cover our orders necessary.

So many people concerned about weight, health or who have adopted a vegetarian diet normally feed on fruit, bread, cheese and a little thing. The lack

memory, loss of muscle mass, low energy and courage and was often dimissioni tassi di colesterolo normalmente sono segni che ci stiamo allontanando dalla zona. La combinazione la dieta della zona con la dieta secondo il gruppo sanguineo normalmente danno, spesso, risultati spettacolari.

In che cosa consiste la dieta della zona
Il benessere, l'assenza di malattia, la salute ottima è lo stato metabolico nel quale il corpo e la mente funzionano al massimo della sua efficienza, quello è stare in alla Zona. La via per entrare nella Zona consiste in una dieta equilibrata, nel che idrati di carbonio, proteine e grassi si sentono rigorosamente controllati dentro ogni mangi.

Questa dieta nasce come opposizione alle diete ricche in idrati di carbonio, dato che queste non riescono a fare sparire l'eccesso di grasso corporale; questo è poiché provocano una sovrapproduzione di insulina, e la produzione di eicosanoides brutti. L'eccesso di insulina si tradursi in una discesa del livello di zucchero (glucosio, nel sangue) che è trasformata in grassa e contemporaneamente blocca l'accesso alle nostre riserve di grasso, in ultima istanza tutto ciò conduce alla malattia. Questa è la spiegazione di perché le diete alte in idrati di carbonio, producono sensazione di fatica, ogni volta fa che ci sentiamo con meno energia fisica ed ogni volta accumuliamo più grasso corporale.

Nella Zona si tiene più facile accesso alle riserve di grasso accumulato, invece di agli idrati di carbonio accumulati, come fonte di energia, what is also reflected in a higher concentration of mind which not only helps them be more productive, but will improve physical performance.

in the diet to stay in the area, it is advisable to five meals a day, two of which will be mild.
should not ever let go more than four or five hours between them, as that would precipitate the rate of insulin and alter the levels of blood sugar.

recommended foods in the diet of the area are the following:
Carbohydrates: The benefit of carbohydrates depends on its speed to enter the blood stream, indicates its glycemic index, the speed in which they are converted into more or less glucose depending on the secretion of insulin.

We must avoid foods with a high glycemic index that is increasing a lot and very fast blood sugar levels like refined sugar, honey, glucose, white bread, potatoes and all the cereals, and pasta products made with flour white, fine.
the contrary, we will take those of slower absorption and that found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains because the fiber helps to derive the absorption of sugars and fats, which amount to as much as speed.

Protein : Inside the plants have the tofu, gluten or seitan, seaweed Espirulina, the yeast or of sprouted lentils or soy and all legumes (soybean), lentils, chickpeas, porotos, and so on.
Among the animal protein recommended are the chicken, turkey, rabbit, such as blue fish and lean ham. Yogurt and fermented milk, dairy products run away from the rest of integers, such as cheese. This will avoid red meat. To make our combinations we can use the protein powder.

Fats: Fats we will get the olive oil, olives, and mayonnaise.

Drawbacks of the diet of the area
We groped that the type of protein is the most healthy as possible to avoid overloading the kidneys and do not acidify our body too.

Example of a menu of the diet of the area

1. - Slices of toasted bread with mountain ham, or sweet, without the fat, and coffee only lightly loaded.
2. - Two-fat yogurt or kefir, with muesli, unsweetened, and you coffee or red. Mid-morning

1. - A piece of fruit, pear, apple, and five almonds or hazelnuts.
2. - A sweet soy and dried fruit.
3. - Substitute for the refreshment bar those arrangements, provided they carry a protein ratio of between 50 percent and 100 percent of carbohydrates.

Meal / cena
Una proteina, petto pollo 120 grs; 120 petto pavo,hamburguesa pollo-tacchino; tonno 140 grs; salmone 180 grs, merluzzo 180 grs.
Più un idrato di carbonio: cavolo, cavolfiore, broccolo, fagiolini, pomodoro, lattuga, e qualunque frutta.
Grasso. 12 olive o 4 cucchiai piccolo maionese light o 1 cucchiaiata e media di olio di oliva.

Vantaggi della dieta della zona
Serve per perdere grasso corporale, migliora il rendimento fisico nel caso degli atleti e la nostra miglioramento salute.
La cosa unica che necessitiamo è mantenere di Tutti i cibi un equilibrio tra proteine, idrati di carbonio e grasse.
La proporzione ideale è del 0.75 percento, cioè 3 gr di proteine per ogni 4 grs. di idrati di carbonio.

Oltre ai proporciónde alimenti bisogna tenere in conto la quantità, questo dipende dal sesso, peso, percentuale di grasso corporale ed attività fisica di ogni individuo.
Questa dieta ci permette di dimenticarci di continuare a contare calorie.

Osservazioni sulla dieta della zona
Molti nutrizionisti coincidono in che abbiamo passato di prendere molte proteine a non coprire le nostre ingiunzioni necessarie.
Così molte persone preoccupate per il peso, la salute o che hanno adottato una dieta vegetariana normalmente alimentano di frutta, pane, formaggio e poca cosa più.
La mancanza a memoria, perdita di massa muscolare, low energy level and status of courage and resignation often cholesterol levels are usually signs that we are moving away from the area.
Combining diet with the diet of the area under the blood group normally give, often spectacular results.

Here we present an example of the one-day menu: Breakfast

grapefruit juice 1 / 2 apple 2
clear of fried egg en1
tablespoon corn oil 1 slice of turkey ham
50 grams of panela cheese

1 / 2 pear
1 / 4 cup cottage cheese 1 pat

90 grams of meat,
chicken or fish 1 / 2 cup rice 2 cups of raw vegetables

1 tablespoon oil 1 kiwi

snack crackers

3 50 grams of panela cheese, olives

90 grams
tuna 2 cups lettuce 1
1 / 2 slice of whole wheat bread
1 / 2 tablespoon of light mayonnaise

Advantages and disadvantages
In all cases the amount of food are very small, because it allows only 1.100 consume calories which is a low amount for many nutriólogos. However, his followers and ensure that it is easy to satiate make nutritional injunctions.

Inoltre bisogna curare che le proteine siano le più salutari possibile, per non sovraccaricare i reni. Ma in generale è una dieta semplice di portarsi a termine.

Funziona realmente?
Con 'la zona' sé si perde peso, a patto che riesca a mangiare meno. Ma è indispensabile che per portarla a termine consulti ad un nutrizionista che ti realizzi un curriculum medico e continui a controllare il tuo adempimento.


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