Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Is Liquid Before Period?

Maya, Futuro & Felicità

I often think that I should always stop me questions about why and wherefore and vivermi to the bottom of the things that happen to me, the mood. This 2011 so far has been wonderful.
For the first time I am happy and peaceful for more than two consecutive weeks, and for the first time I know exactly why, in a way which allows me to understand and "control" the thing . Should I stop asking me questions, and simply enjoy the moment.
After all what is life if not an infinite sequence of moments? And How important is the future and the past, if you are able to destroy this? We live as if we were to do it forever, when we know that is not so, that every breath could be your last. And we remember with such intensity that at times the past becomes so real to make us dwell in him as a happy land.
Damn memory. What is remembered, if he prevents us from living as you have this? What is the thinking of the future, if not even know if I will live or not?
Yet most people do not do nothing but squirm between past and future, sadly, completely forgetting the present. In fact, even Leopards - that of happiness if it meant little - he had understood: happiness is always past or future, never present , wrote in his Zibaldone .
The fleeting happiness that yes ... is simply much easier to be happy in the past and future than in the present; in the past because it naturally tends to remove the negative that there was, in the future because hope is always the last to die.
I decided that I want to be happy in the present. And they are, no matter how and why.
Ultimamente mi inquieta molto tutta la questione dei Maya e della fine del mondo, che pare essere anticipata al 5 maggio di quest'anno. Ok che non ci credo, però oggi mi è venuto da chiedermi cosa farei se sapessi per certo che è vero. Voglio dire, voi cosa fareste se sapeste con certezza che tra due mesi finirà tutto quanto?!  
Secondo me cose molto diverse da quelle che facciamo tutti i giorni, molto spesso diverse anche dal nostro stile di vita, dalla strada che abbiamo intrapreso, dalle nostre personali convinzioni. 
Io farei cose che ora come ora non mi sognerei never do ... is funny how our perspective would change, our priorities, if the future did not exist. This makes me think that perhaps not truly live, not live as I wish, for simple fear of the consequences. Who knows.
But I had said at the beginning of the post that I had to stop imparanoiarmi?! You see that I am not able! But I'm happy and that is enough ... I happens very often in more than in the morning I wake up in charge, full of enthusiasm, work, happy to begin a new day ... This is too good!


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