Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cheap Waxing Edmonton Price

Diet Diet Pizza Pasta

With this diet can lose weight by 5 to 6 pounds per month. We must make it as indicated, although it is not necessary to take exact quantities of food. The diet must be followed by 6 days a week, leaving on Sunday where you can eat freely without abuse of fats and sweets. It is important not to take sugar in teas or juices.

way of following this diet:

Colazione: caffè, tè o un'altra tisana e 1 frutta di stagione.
Media domani: 1 succo di arancia.
Mangi: 1 razione di pollo arrosto o lesso ed aromatizzato con spezie accompagnato con verdura lessa.
Merenda: succo di frutte.
Cena: Pasta con carciofi lessi e rosolati e verdure al forno.

Colazione: fette biscottate con marmellata senza zucchero ed un'infusione di ortiche.
Media domani: succo di frutte.
Mangi: 1 razione di pesce, eccetto crostacei o molluschi, arrosta al forno con acqua e spezie oppure al sale e verdure al vapore.
Merenda: succo di frutte.
Cena: riso integrale con zucchina e verdura lessa.

Breakfast: infusion of herbs and fruits.
tomorrow Media: fruit juice.
Eat: skim cheese and steamed vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: couscous with fresh tomatoes and parsley and boiled vegetables.

Thursday Breakfast: Toast with jam without sugar and an infusion of fennel
tomorrow Media: fruit juice.
Eat: a ration of meat grilled veal and boiled vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: pasta with peas and baked vegetables.

Friday Breakfast: herbal tea and fruit in season.
tomorrow Media: orange juice.
Eat: ration baked fish and steamed vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: corn soup with vegetables and baked vegetables.

Saturday Breakfast: toast with jam without an infusion of sugar and mauve.
tomorrow Media: orange juice.
Eat: rabbit to the casserole and boiled vegetables.
Snack: fruit juice.
Dinner: Pasta with the tender fried in a little 'oil and vegetables in the oven.


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