Diet Diet
In che cosa consiste:
Per secoli, le conoscenze della natura furono limitate, e la tecnologia non aveva raggiunto ancora il suo plenum sviluppo. Il pensiero della gente era incatenato alle credenze tradizionali e conservatrici, e la mentalità dell'uomo non era tanto libero di pregiudizi. Chiunque che si allontanasse dalla cosa tradizionale era segnalato come "traditore" alla società.
Nel seno di questa comunità vecchia e conservatrice, la "esperienza" accumulata era la fonte del sapere e si considerava il più prezioso tesoro. I giovani rispettavano i maggiori per la sua esperienza.
In allora quello, quando ad una persona gli succedeva qualcosa, la cosa in primo luogo e fondamentale era la sua risposta emozionale verso quello successo. Tali esperienze si spiegano per mezze della "saggezza", cedendo step to "knowledge."
The person who owned much experience and knowledge, was qualified to receive the great nature that includes human nature and celestial cycles. This human nature was extensively studied and investigated, and thus give way to tradition.
The Traditional Medicine of China is one of the oldest art sanacion. In fact, it is a preventive medicine.
ancient times, monks were the employees of the health of the village. Visited families in the form of periodic and through different techniques maintain good health of the inhabitants who remunerate those services through barter.
The oldest book of Traditional Medicine, China is the Huangdi Neijing (Canone di medicina interna), scritto in forma di dialogo tra l'Imperatore giallo ed il suo medico di famiglia. Lì possiamo trovare le proprietà curative della granata e del rabarbaro. L'imperatore KIWANG-tu abituava a darsi bagni con quelle erbe per il suo dolori articulares.
La dietetica cinese, insieme all'Agopuntura, la fitoterapia ed il massaggio formano parte dei pilastri terapeutici fondamentali della Medicina Tradizionale la Cina.
Con l'agopuntura ed il massaggio mobilitiamo e regoliamo l'energia; con la fitoterapia e la dieta preserviamo e nutriamo l'essenza.
Se la nutrizione è adeguata, l'energia sarà abbondante, gli organi saranno ben nutriti ed il "Shen" fiorirà, il nostro sistema nervoso and our emotions will stay in harmony.
Power is therefore essential to get the balance, harmony, and therefore the overall health.
The Traditional Medicine, China classifies foods according to different criteria:
According to the energy or intrinsic nature of the food:
- food and warm temperate tone, warm, ascend, move.
- Food Neutral: stabilize, harmonize, centered.
- Fresh food and cold: cool, celery, astringen, moisturize.
According to his taste: Each flavor has a different characteristic energy:
- acidic foods: astringen, contract energy inwards.
affects liver and the gall bladder, Wood element.
- Food bitter: promote drainage and evacuation, descend and dry.
act on the heart and intestine Magro, Fire element.
- salty foods: In moderate amounts soften, lubricate.
They act on the kidney and urinary bladder, part watered down.
- food cakes: step up the energy and oil.
act on the spleen, pancreas and stomach, Earth element.
According to its color:
- Food rossi: rivitalizzano.
- Alimenti gialli: stabilizzano, equilibrano.
- Alimenti verdi: disintossicano, depurano.
- Alimenti neri: astringen, tonificano il "Jing" (essenza).
- Alimenti bianchi: purificano.
Secondo il tropismo del meridiano:
Ogni alimento ha un meridiano di impatto principale:
Esempio: La pera per il meridiano del polmone gli spinaci per quello del fegato la zucca per quello della Milza le castagne per il cuore gli azukis per il rene.
Secondo il movimento dell'energia che inducono, eccetera
Tenendo in conto tutti questi criteri e secondo la diagnosi della persona we solve the food more convenient to correct the imbalances.
not fixed but is a diet fit the particular conditions of each person, physique, age, time of year, the country where you live, type of work that creates, type of disease that presents etc
does not take into account the quantitative (amount of food, but the quality) the quality of the food energy.
is based on the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine that takes into account the whole human being, from the whole.
To apply this type of diet will require knowledge Traditional Medicine of China prior or counsel for a professional.
Sample menu: 2
We diets comparative to
Type A: a chilly person, slow, fatigue with a tendency to fatigue.
B: an active, nervous, and bloated with the hot trend.
- Cream of oats with a little 'of 2 or 3 cinnamon and nuts.
- Fruit salad station with orange juice or yogurt, better than goat.
Lunch (noon):
- miso soup with wakame seaweed and carrots.
- Azukis, I read with onion and a little 'pumpkin, leeks, garlic cloves and a bit' of jenjibre, accompanied by brown rice.
- kneel: baked apple.
- Infusion: liquorice and sage or thyme.
- varies with radish salad, grated turnip, endivias, germinated, nori seaweed and sunflower pipe.
- Pascola integral (macaroni) spaghetti ..) with cooked vegetables or assaulted.
- kneel: ricotta.
- Infusion: camomile or mint mentions.
- soup brown rice and buckwheat.
- Grilled chicken with vegetable stew.
- Cream of asparagus seeds sesame.
- Fish Stew with vegetables in the juice. In the Type A diet you choose foods in nature warm, neutral and some hot. In type B is majority
food fresh and neutral and some cold.
We will also take into account the tastes, colors, etc.
really the Diet under the Traditional Medicine China helps us to be conscious at all times of how we feel, with warm or cold, tired or excited, dryness or excessive sweating, etc.., and from here change our diet with just a few alterations to recover the balance.
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