fiber diet of pasta normally Our grandmothers called them "
residue" and although scientists call themselves the "dietary fiber
" have been popularized as "
fiber." Foods rich in fiber are in a paper of great importance to good nutrition.
Well known for his ground-floor sediment energy, fibrous foods such as celery, green leafy vegetables, vegetables, apples, they also have other important benefits for weight control. Require more time to chew properly and are vented stomach more slowly, that helps to control the sensation of hunger.
This plan will allow us to eat rich during the winter, while at the same time, control cholesterol and down a few extra pounds.
There are foods that are both light and rich, and protect us from cancer and high cholesterol, and helped us get those pesky extra pounds? We have excellent news: the answer is self. These are the dishes prepared with foods rich in plant fibers. What makes these fibers so beneficial to our health and appearance? It's simple, the fiber is an important part of vegetables, legumes and fruits, but the human body absorbs them. In contrast, the fibers, which are divided into soluble and insoluble, the basic function help to eliminate waste.
So what better than to replace the pope for a tortilla tortilla chard or fresh fruit salad for pudding? Although it seems a sacrifice, the assured che vale la pena lo sforzo che - rapidamente potrà come comprovare - non sarà tale, perché gli alimenti ricchi in fibre hanno il vantaggio di produrre sensazione di sazietà mangiando piccole porzioni, dovuto all'alto assorbimento di acqua che possiedono.
Per controllare il colesterolo e la concentrazione di zucchero nel sangue, posto vacante ideale consumare crusca di avena, avena raggomitolata e legumi, questi fanno parte delle fibre solubili. La crusca di grano, i cereali e pani integrali, insieme ai gusci e fusti di verdure e frutte sono ricche in fibre insolubili. Inoltre, la maggior parte degli alimenti ricchi in fibre risultano poveri in grasse, quello che fa loro ideali per essere consumati quando si desidera scendere da peso, vedere Table of calories.
to have much in regard: it must add fiber supplements to the diet of free sale without permission from the doctor. He must also discard the autoprescrizione of laxatives is because in many cases alter the normal functioning of the intestine.
Once in the stomach and intestines, the fibers swell. For this process to happen properly you must ingest a good amount of liquids. We give you all the information it needs to make this plan that has a variety of foods daily. This diet is intended for healthy adult women who do not suffer from health problems and who wish to get rid of some pounds. To complete it, as with any other diet, the vacancy must medical advice.
And now, to choose the favorite dish! Good luck!
pudding with cheese and broccoli, for 4 servings, Ingredients: 2 washers bran bread, 1 cup of skim milk, 300 g of creamed cottage cheese, 3 to green onions, 1 egg, 500 g of brocoli, 3 clear, 1 cdita. leudante powder, salt, pepper and parsley to taste.
Soak the bread of bran in skim milk, season with salt and pepper. Aggregating the ricotta cheese, onions greening point, parsley and egg. Add the cooked sliced \u200b\u200bbrócolis and, finally, beat the egg whites until stiff with dust leudante. Place in a cake mold, oiled and cook in a moderate oven at 20 to 25 minutes.
Pudding multicolored 4 servings, Ingredients: 1 / 2 pound of sugar beet, 3 eggs, 2 onions, 60 g of grated cheese, 1 cup cooked brown rice, 200 g of creamed cottage cheese, a head, 2 bundles of spinach, 30 grams of Roquefort cheese, 1 onion, salt and pepper to taste.
Mix grated beets with 1 beaten egg, 1 onion and half the grated cheese, salt and pepper. Separately, mix the cup of cooked brown rice with half of creamed cottage cheese, the rest of the grated cheese, the head point, 1 egg and the grated onion, salt and pepper. Finally, mix the cooked spinach and Roquefort cheese with the point, the rest of ricotta, 1 grated onion, 1 beaten egg, salt and pepper. Oil and flour a budinera a mixture and place on another. Cook in a bain marie in a moderate oven until it is stopped. Allow to cool and after desmoldar.
Cake Diet, 10 servings, Ingredients: 6 slices of bread, 400 g of creamed cottage cheese, 3 eggs, vanilla extract, 50 g of bran rods, artificial endulcorante, 30 g raisin grape without seed, 1 / 2 liter of diet gelatin and salt.
Wallpapering a rectangular mold with slices of bread toasted in advance and bark. Mix the creamed cottage cheese with egg yolks, vanilla essence, the rod bran, artificial sweetener, the uvette di uva ed incorporare, finalmente, le chiare battute a neve con un pizzico di sale. Rovesciare sul pane ed infornare a temperatura moderata durante 20 a 25 minuti. Lasciare raffreddare e coprire con la gelatina dietetica preparata. Lasciare solidificare e mantenere nella gelataia fino al momento di servire.
Torta di carne e cavolo cappuccio , per 6 porzioni, Ingredienti: 2 cipolle, 1 cda. di olio, 2 denti di aglio, 1 foglia di alloro, peperone rosso, 1 peperone verde, 3/4 chilo di carne punto fetta di prosciutto, brodo in quantità necessaria, 1/2 chilo di cavolo cappuccio, 30 g di maizena, 1/2 litro di latte scremato, 30 g di formaggio di macchina; sale, pepe, peperone macinato e paprica for seasoning. Sauté onions
point with a spoonful of oil, with garlic point and incorporate the bay, the IIA red and green bell pepper cut into Giuliani. Cook a few minutes and stir in the meat section slice of ham, aggregating broth during cooking to prevent it from drying. Season with salt, pepper, ground pepper and paprika. Cut the cabbage in Julian and mix with the meat. Place this mixture into a source of glass furnace previously oiled. Prepare a white sauce, cornstarch dissolved in skimmed milk and cook, without ceasing to stir, until it thickens. Season with salt and pepper and cheese machine point. Turn out the meat mixture, and bake 45 minutes moderate oven.
protect you against colon cancer by eating vegetables and leaf vegetables prepared in the form of puddings and cakes. Learn how to choose foods that will help you to detoxify and stay away from disease during the cold days.
Adapt your body to change
The ideal amount of recommended fiber consumption is 30 g daily. If we are not accustomed to ingesting these foods need to incorporate a little, because it may cause diarrhea. In these cases, the consumption will increase gradually, starting with pumpkin, carrot, beet, palm, heart of alcaucil, eggplant, sprouts, asparagus and beets case. Then add carrots
and raw grated beets and even ripe tomatoes, shredded lettuce in Julian is very fine, cooked spinach or chard, but cut into larger pieces. Finally, add the rest of the vegetables.
As the fruits have to start from the most gentle, and eat cooked and peeled (apples) pears, peaches, quinces and Damascus, after eating them raw and grated, or in syrup diet. Then add the rest, raw and without restrictions.
As for cereals is recommended to start with biscuits and breads, and after incorporating well-boiled rice and beans, soaked and cooked, mashed and after the principle that informs. At this height, the body is used to absorb fiber, so can be added - starting at 1 cdita. and up to no more than 2 cdas. Daily - wheat bran or oat. The whole process of incorporation of fiber can lead, depending on the amount of fiber that can tolerate at first, between 2 weeks and 2 months.
Buy healthier To follow this diet should be how to replace this food "engordantes" for which contain fiber. Olvidémonos run after the white bread and bran or wholemeal bread. Let alone the biscuits and water stretched out my hand to those in the supermarket gondola bran. After a worthy farewell to the egg noodles, noodles integral hagámonos fanatics. Forget mashed popes - we are not baby now - and opt for a super stringy spinach or mashed zapallo. Let the pudding and ice cream is eaten by people with less temperature and that we, when we ask for dessert at the restaurant, say automatically: fresh fruit salad. Olvidémonos solve a seal with the Pope and egg salad, or golosh old and we are firm in our convictions and impose the salad leaves, rich in fiber.
MONDAY ': Fasting: Juice of 2 oranges.
Breakfast: coffee with skim milk and sweetener and a slice of toasted rye bread with a board of directors. white cheese.
Lunch: Homemade soup of grated vegetables, pudding, cheese and brocoli, vedere ricetta, e 1 yogurt con 1 cda. di bacchetti di crusca.
Merenda: cappuccino con dolcificante e 1 sbarra di cereale integrale.
Conferimento del pomeriggio: 1 rondella di ananas o melone fresco.
Cena: brodo con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 porzione di sogliola con guarnizione di ratatouille di zapallitos, cavolo cappuccio, bietola e chauchas, insalata di arance e kiwi, con 1 cda. di formaggio bianco battuto con dolcificante ed essenza di vaniglia.
MARTEDI' : A digiuno: succo di 1 pompelmo.
Colazione: tè con latte scremato e dolcificante e 2 biscotti di crusca con 1 cda. di marmellata di arance dietetica.
Pranzo: zuppa di pomodori casalinga liquefatta con 1 cda. di crusca, budino multicolore, see recipe, and 1 / 2 grapefruit with sweetener.
Snack: 1 skim yogurt with 30 g of bran rod.
Contribution of the afternoon: 1 orange.
Dinner: vegetable soup in pieces, 1 / 4 grilled skinless chicken, seasoned with herbs, accompanied with a salad of grated green apple, grated carrot, some grapefruit segments, dressed with yogurt, skimmed milk mixed with orange juice and lemon gelatin and a diet with fruits.
WEDNESDAY ': Fasting: Juice of 2 oranges.
Breakfast: checkmate boiled with milk and sweetener and 2 rice biscuits with a board of directors. creamed cottage cheese.
Lunch: Homemade soup of vegetables, 1 / 2 pumpkin filled with 1 / 2 cup of golosh di lattina, 30 g di mozzarella, 1 feta di prosciutto cruda sgrassata picchiata e 1/2 tazza di salsa bianca preparata senza burro, come quella dei finocchi gratinati, conserva di 1 pera fresca e 2 prugne disseccate con dolcificante.
Merenda: 1 liquefatto di latte scremato con 3 orejones di pesche cotte con dolcificante.
Conferimento del pomeriggio: 1 macedonia fresche senza zucchero.
Cena: brodo con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 lombo tallii con insalata di bianca di sedano, peperone rosso crudo in giuliana, cuori di alcaucil, champignon cotti, mela verde grattata condita con 1 cdita. di maionese diet, yogurt naturale, 1 pizzico di senape, sale e pepe. 1 arancia.
Giovedì : A digiuno: succo di 2 mandarini.
Colazione: caffè con latte scremato con dolcificante e 1 fetta biscottata di crusca con 1 cda. di marmellata di fragole dietetica.
Pranzo: zuppa di veccie fresche liquefatta, 1 tazza di porotos dosati una volta cotti con salsa di pomodori fatta senza olio e pezzi di verdure cotte e 2 metà di pesche in sciroppo dietetici.
Merenda: 1 barattolo di latte coltivato scremato con 3 cdas. di müslix. Conferimento del pomeriggio: 1 carota e bianco di sedano crudo. Cena: brodo con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 porzione di salmone alla piastra con limone ed insalata di ananas in sciroppo diet, pomodori esperte, arancia, sedano e 1 cda. di salsa golf diet. 1 yogurt scremato frutado.
VENERDI' : A digiuno: succo di 1 grapefruit.
Breakfast: tea with sweetener and skim milk with 2 wholemeal biscuits with a board of directors. white cheese.
Lunch: soup of liquefied zapallo and 1 / 2 cup of brown rice mixed with a casserole of vegetables (carrots) mushrooms, chauchas, cabbage, Brussels and tomato sauce diet. 1 bergamot.
Snack: 1 capucchino with sweetener and a bar of whole grain.
Contribution of the afternoon: 1 skimmed yogurt.
Dinner: soup with a board of directors. yeast, a breaded chicken breast with egg and cooked bran in Teflon, with a salad of raw spinach, cauliflower, radishes, boiled egg and topped with a cdita. oil, 1 cda. cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Fresh pineapple.
SABATO : A digiuno: succo di 2 arance.
Colazione: scacco matto lesso con latte scremato con dolcificante e 2 biscotti di grano gonfiato con 1 cda. di marmellata dietetica di prugne.
Pranzo: zuppa di verdure in giuliana, finocchi gratinati con salsa bianca preparata con 1/2 tazza di latte scremato nei quali si è dissolto 1 cdita. di farina e senza associato di grasse, cotto tutto per lesso, mozzarella e basilico fresco. Conserva di mele ed orejones senza zucchero.
Merenda: tè con limone e dolcificante e 1 porzione di torta dietetica (vedere ricette).
Conferimento del pomeriggio: gelatina diet con frutte punto.
Cena: zuppa di carote liquefatta con 1 cda. di crusca, 1 rondella di peceto al forno magro cabbage salad with colored Julian, grated carrot, red pepper, lettuce, Creole, boiled beet and endive. Aspic mandarin diet.
Sunday : Fasting: Juice of 1 grapefruit.
Breakfast: coffee with sweetener and skim milk with a slice of toasted bread with a board of directors. cottages.
Lunch: vegetable soup, liquefied, meat pies and cabbage (see recipe), a stuffed orange salad with pineapple, grated apple and skimmed yogurt vanilla.
Snack: tea with skim milk sweetener with 2 rice biscuits with a board of directors. diet raspberry jam flavor.
Contribution of the afternoon: 3 canned plums without sugar.
Dinner: soup with a board of directors. of oat bran, a tomato stuffed with shrimp and kani kama, galoshes, lettuce, cooked carrot, celery, 1 cda. diet of mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Fresh fruit salad with a sweetener.