One question that struck me and it's a bit 'that I think about. Years ago I would have said yes without hesitation. Today, hesitating and brooding and thinking about it, I would say ... .. yes, it is possible. But not for everyone. It takes courage, a lot of courage. And faith in love, and patience, and sacrifice, and sincerity. And ability to fight, perseverance, consistency and emotional stability. Believe with all your soul and all your heart and never give up. Persevere, to endure times when love seems to go out, in which there are many difficulties, in which the whole world seems against him; periods of doubts, mistakes, crises and distances that seem unbridgeable.

love to be defended, protected, listened to ... love can do everything when it is big and strong, but draws strength from this faith. Who has no faith in love can not love.
And I am here with a thousand questions that I'll never answer a thousand memories, a thousand regrets and with a thousand fears ... that scene of that film in mind: you can not remember because it hurts, but not want and do not forget, because to do so would be to delete a part of you, a piece of soul that would be lost forever. In love there are no defeats, because whatever happens the only thing that matters is to know resent tried hard, they can look back calmly, knowing had not betrayed neither ourselves nor our love. Even when you're afraid that will not be able to love with that intensity, with all that, with that desire for eternity ... love at the back is an ideal, like peace such as religion, as goodness. And there are ideal for those who believe, just as long as there is someone who believes and does not allow anyone to dissuade him from his faith, even the cynics, who have no faith in anything and would also attract others in their gray world without color.
In these mesi ho riflettuto molto anche sul tema del tradimento (non solo quello inteso in senso strettamente fisico) e mentre ero alla Feltrinelli ho trovato il libro di Crepet A una donna tradita, dove sulla quarta di copertina c’era questa frase bellissima: “ Il più grande dei tradimenti, quello che tutti li riassume, è quello verso sé, nella convinzione che la solitudine e la sterilità dei sentimenti possano proteggerci dal dolore”.
Nothing can protect us from pain except the utter emptiness and any betrayal of any kind and in any manner, is first betrayal of ourselves ... as everything is damn true! Who betrays is actually the first real betrayed betrays not a woman or a man, he betrays the love that binds us to them, they betray their feelings and soul that proves certain things. If only we looked into every now and then, how many things we would understand us and those around us ... and all this useless thinking is not paranoia, saw mental or loss of time, because what one gets is the ; serenity , the ability to be happy, and that is priceless.
ps: this post I wrote last night, half an hour, a day after steressantissima and so sleepy ... excuse the language and the mistakes that surely there sono!
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