- Premessa. A chi si chiede cosa c'entrino i dolci in un blog letterario, posso solo rispondere che per me lettura e scrittura sono piaceri al pari di una buona torta o di golosi biscotti. E personalmente trovo fantastica l'abbinata dolci/libri ;-)! -
Ecco un'altra ricetta di Benedetta Parodi, dal programma televisivo Cotto e mangiato . E' una trasmissione che guardo sempre volentieri, magari comprerò anche i libri, perché non si trovano ovunque ricette not only tasty and good, but easy. Is not that having a whole day to cook and look for exotic ingredients, but would nevertheless like to eat well, preferably without any dyes, preservatives and snacks & co. The sponge cake is a classic and delicious cake, the 'I did it Sunday and it literally disappeared, so I think I present it again soon!
It' good for breakfast but also as a snack, accompanied by a mug of milk or hot chocolate.
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Torta Margherita |
4 eggs - 150 gr.
sugar - 100 gr.
flour - 200 gr.
melted butter - 100 grams of starch
- a packet of yeast
a teaspoon of vanilla extract - sugar
First, beat eggs with sugar, then add one after the other ingredients: flour, butter, starch, yeast and vanilla. Mix well. Cover with baking paper to fill a pan with the dough and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.
Once removed the cake dal forno, spolverarla con abbondante zucchero a velo.
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