I say this every holy time but for some reason we falling back on time. Covers will be well done, the aura of simplicity that give off, or, more likely, the seduction of the already low prices Universale Economica Feltrinelli, that when there are discounts lets with five to seven euro to take home a book well done (more or less, because this last time the pages were unglued ... and I am certainly not a book that wronged them, in fact).
Returning to the book, was a disappointment.
a trivial one, to the point that one wonders if the Yoshimoto has not run out of ideas. But if so, why for a while 'do not stop writing and resumed when it has something to say?
will seem sour, I realize, but this book really does not transmit anything, especially the loyal readers of Yoshimoto that certain thoughts - o di simili - nei suoi libri li hanno già letti e riletti fino allo sfinimento. E pensare che avevo amato alla follia l'esordio letterario scrittrice, Kitchen , e avevo pianto come una fontana leggendo il racconto in appendice, che poi altro non è se non la sua tesi di laurea in letteratura.
Da allora lo stile non è cambiato, è sempre lieve, amabile e delicato come una carezza, ma certo da solo non può bastare. La narrazione è inesistente, non succede praticamente nulla, luoghi comuni e ovvietà si sprecano; senza contare che lo stesso concetto - l'amore per il proprio paese, un tempo vivo e pieno di turisti, che va verso il declino - viene ripetuto con parole diverse fino allo sfinimento, is not nearly as long to shout: "I understand."
Every so often, as I write, I wonder if they are too strict. This book I finished at the bottom, although for pure spirit of duty and completeness, while others - a few - I do not have just done. So I admit that yes, a bit 'of good will can be read, because it is short, but this certainly is not my definition of a good book.
A good book is what you consume, which you carry and take advantage of every free moment to reopen it, that can not wait to get home to read the rest! The cover of the sea instead is quite similar the topic in a class of lazy student: tasteless and extended up to capacity, just to fill the pages you need.
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