Dalla parte di John Galliano
I was writing a new post on interpersonal relationships between men and young girls over60 (always inspired by the events of our prime minister), but the latest story about my favorite designer I have the urge to leave it there and write this post. I state something important, especially for those who visit my blog and make comments without reading the post. I do not intend to justify the conduct of the designer, are the first to say that was wrong and must accept the consequences. I threw that against which it is the "witch hunt" that is being waged against him, as if he were the only gay in the world anti-Semitic, and the speed with which the world fashion have turned their backs, and until the day before the hosanna.
First I want to say a few words about the extermination of the Jews and the Holocaust deniers and anti-Semitic, again for those who comment without reading, accurate and I am not totally agree with the ideas. Do not think that anyone who hates Jews are few losers. Many more than I imagined and are found everywhere, in any social class, education level, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality and political affiliation. Some years ago an Italian doctor has published a book called "Honeymoon in Auschwitz"
http://www.homolaicus.com/storia/contemporanea/negazionismo.htm ), where through a study of science and mathematics, deals with all theses negazionistiche the extermination of the Jews. One of the most chilling thesis is that "
the figure of 6 million Jews killed in death camps was invented and hugely inflated" because "
the crematoria were not capable of enabling the thermodynamics for this large number of cremations " . Fortunately, in the notes of the book, lists the documentation to the contrary to these statements (the Jews are not all deaths in gas chambers). But it is, however, supported the main thrust of the deniers and anti-Semites, that is, "
that the figure was deliberately gonfiata dagli ebrei, perché così possono fare la parte delle vittime, giustificare le loro azioni belliche e ricattare le altre nazioni ». Lo so, è terribile quello che ho scritto ma è la verità. Se le tesi negazioniste si possono confutare, come dimostrato nel libro, molto più difficile è riuscire a sradicare le opinioni che si creano in seguito ad eventi vissuti, diciamo, in prima persona con persone ebree. Ho conosciuto un ragazzo che abitava in una città del settentrione, dove è presente una grande comunità di ebrei, il quale mi ha riferito questa sua vicenda. Lui si era invaghito di una ragazza ebrea, ma il padre di lei gli ha vietato di frequentare la figlia a meno che non avesse rispettato queste condizioni: had to be circumcised, and had to convert to Judaism to marry the girl (who a few years after she ran away from home). He ran like hell. Imagine the anti-Jewish friends of the boy what they said about his father ... I'd rather not bring it back, but I assure you that they were worse than what it says in the video Galliano.
Going back to John Galliano, there are certain points in the drama that I was not clear and my professional deformation forces me to analyze them one by one. The first is the place where the designer has turned the insults. From the outset it was said that the room was a favorite of Galliano, where he took refuge in a beer (I think, huh, can bere anche vino) dopo una giornata di lavoro in atelier tra bozzetti da disegnare, sarti da supervisionare, vestiti da controllare e modificare, clienti e giornalisti da incontrare, donne d’alta società con la puzza sotto il naso da accontentare (e che richiedono una pazienza di ferro)…insomma, come a noi comuni mortali anche a lui sicuramente saranno capitate le giornate storte! E qui passiamo al secondo punto. Se lui era un cliente abituale di questo locale (frequentato prevalentemente da gay, stando alla televisione brasiliana) situato nella zona ebraica di Parigi, molto probabilmente i proprietari lo conoscevano bene (e forse sono loro stessi ebrei). Ecco, secondo voi, se un cliente abitualmente si ubriaca ed insulta i presenti, owners are involved in looking away or the customer? If this has never happened (at least it appears so far), I'm thinking that the drunkenness of Galliano has been somewhat sporadic.
And now for the popular video circulating on the net, where we feel under the influence of alcohol Galliano speak in capital letters and do terrible anti-Semitic statements.
First, this video does not directly address the incident in which he is charged, that is anti-Semitic insults nei confronti di due clienti del locale, ma risale a qualche mese fa e, magicamente, spuntato fuori negli ultimi giorni, poiché venduto alla rivista inglese Sun che ne ha avuto l’esclusiva (e non consegnato alla polizia). Eppure la polizia francese utilizzerà questo filmato come prova per accusare definitivamente Galliano. Praticamente se io una sera mi ubriaco ed offendo una persona, se questa mi denuncia può utilizzare una prova datata per accusarmi del mio reato. Da qui si deduce che, se avete alzato il gomito, è meglio far sparire tutti i filmati o foto che vi riprendono in quelle condizioni…
Ora, in 0:41 secondi di filmato non si capisce il contesto in cui è stato girato, perché inizia a discorso già avviato. In addition to the swollen tongue of the designer, you hear that giggle of young female voices. If you listen to a good (maybe even more than one) of these girls has a very strong Italian accent and you hear the phrases "It's not good," "O my God!" And "Well, but where are you from?". From the tone with which begins Galliano seems to be responding to a request made before the registration of the movie. At this point a girl asked him "Are you blonde?". He responds with the first sentence of the offending "No, But I love Hitler," referring to a previous speech. A girl cried out: "Yes?". And here comes the offending sentence from the stylist "People Like You Would Be Dead, Jewels. Your mothers, your fathers, would all be f***king gassed», scioccando le giovani presenti e chi guarda il filmato. Una ragazza dice: «We are problem (non si sente la “s” finale)». Lui risponde: «With you, you are ugly». A questo punto un’altra ragazza (con un accento più inglese) gli fa un’altra domanda riguardante sempre gli ebrei (che non riesco a tradurre letteralmente) e lui risponde: «Not with people are ugly». Un’altra ragazza, quella con l’accento marcatamente italiano, gli chiede: «Where are you from?». E lui la manda deliberatamente a quel paese. Guardando invece l’ambiente, si notano due bicchieri sul tavolo di Galliano (o se li è he is drunk or with friends), while the girls on the table is a glass of red wine and the young woman holding a mobile phone wearing a pink sweater (seen at the beginning). It seems to be outside or in a smoking room, there are constant reflections of passing cars, and behind the designer, you'll see the patrons of the restaurant to talk and joke.
Well, watching this entire movie, I do not think that girls are arguing with the designer drunk, but as I read on several sites and newspapers, where some attribute the offending video to the evening. I repeat, do not know the topic of discussion, but we understand clearly that the girls are causing Galliano, taking advantage of the altered state of alcohol, and if the giggle, film like a funny memory of a school trip to Paris. With regard to my opinion on, I agree with that of Franca Sozzani (
http://www.vogue.it/people-are-talking-about/last-short-news/2011/03/franca-sozzani-john -galliano-Semitic).
Thanks to this movie, the fashion house Dior's John Galliano fired after 15 years of honorable service (I hope to have at least given a good severance pay) and after having raised the image of the house, in economic difficulties before he got him ... and to think that initially defend him ... Of course, the whole world of fashion has often pointed out that Galliano is difficult to work with, because it has a good temper, but his talent is undeniable. I think that it was not the only entranced watching his shows, always very colorful, with original clothes and bizarre, in a short time was able to get the women of the international jet set at his feet. If it is true what he said Valentino few years ago, that "the world the buyers who can afford high-fashion clothes are about 50 " means that the output of Galliano goes all out in the other fashion houses , given that the market is so tight.
Galliano, seeing the movie, keeps saying not to remember what he said ... you try it to get drunk and remember, months later, how was your evening. So, now you add all those people who have had serious repercussions on his career because of anti-Semitic statements, such as Mel Gibson. I do not know how it will end, but whatever happens, I think John Galliano is a man of many resources and will to build on this experience, reborn from its ashes like a phoenix, for me will always be my favorite designer, even if should I open a loan to buy his clothes. Thus, "John Galliano, you think."