there are plenty of examples, both in Italy and abroad, but the woman I chose is the emblem of the category. María Isabel Preysler Arrastia in the picture is: a model, journalist, ambassador and a regular guest on television talk shows in Spain, but in this context only speak of his "career" sentimental. Born in Manila February 18, 1951, daughter of the Executive Director of Philippine Airlines and a local entrepreneur, but both of English origin, hence it soon becomes clear that, as a teenager, he never attended the neighbors or the child ' plumbing, but many celebrities in the Philippines.
At 18 she is sent to study accounting in Spain, at a private Catholic institution, but does not lose the habit of going environments in high places. At a party charity (one day someone will explain because the rich people organize parties constantly charity ... guilt?) knows a young English footballer who, in addition to good standing, also has a beautiful voice, so he had just signed a record deal, "a pirate and a Sir, professional love, "or Julio Iglesias. He falls in love with her, the two birds will attend for six months and when he asks her to marry him, she accepts and spring studies of accounting: What is needed to study with a husband like that?
The two married on January 20, 1971 and from this marriage were born three children: Isabel, Julio Enrique Jose and best known. The marriage, however, lasted only eight years, the pair separated in July 1978, in August 1979, obtained the annulment of the Sacred Rota. I am a little bit informed about when the nullity of the marriage is lawful religious marriage imposed against the will of one or both spouses; psychological inability to make a real choice and marital psychological inability to fulfill the obligations mentioned above, the regularity the condition of the bond and the error at the time of consent, not consuming information from it.
That, they said "yes" when they meant "no"?
Since the end of this marriage she came out impoverished, indeed. The 70s were the most successful ones for the fascinating Julio, then un sostanzioso "indennizzo di buona uscita" lo ha sicuramente ricevuto. Ma da questo matrimonio ha ricevuto una cosa ancora più importante: la popolarità. Ed una popolarità a questo livello attira tutto, come una calamita: lavoro, carriera, soldi...e uomini, ovviamente. Così, il 23 marzo del 1980, sposa Carlos Falcò, Marchese di Grinòn, dal quale ha una figlia, Tamara. Ma questo matrimonio durò poco: nel 1985 si separarono e, nel 1987, ottennero il divorzio.
Ma non pensate che anche dalla fine di questo matrimonio ne sia uscita tanto impoverita. Oltre ad un ulteriore cospicuo "indennizzo", ottenne qualcosa che, anche se al giorno d'oggi non viene più considerato, fa sempre la sua figura: the noble title. However, our console has become very soon. Makers of separation from her second husband knows Miguel Boyer, the then minister of economy and business and in 1986 made their first public appearance. The two were married Jan. 2, 1988, and from this marriage was born his fifth and youngest daughter, Ana.
think that our beautiful and happy with her current third marriage? No, because a few years ago, in an interview, said that if he had the opportunity, would marry a fourth time. And I wonder: what does he want more?!?! He popularity, noble title, money to no end ... true love? I do not believe ... in the meantime diligently participate in festivals and receptions, signing contracts as a model, is a regular guest of talk shows ... the hard life of the wife of Spain's most famous!
How do you become like her, that rich people get married? Ah, I do not know, I do not mean. But some ideas, looking at his biography, I've done: you have to be inserted in the right environment, have the right connections, starting from a good family base, know at least one foreign language and a lot, but lots and chutzpah!
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