When I saw the music video, I came evil. Shakira, the idol of us women from the backside off, the one who had conquered the global audience with his moves from belly dancer ... has become skeletal! Zero Belly, zero curves, ribs exposed, bony face, wild-eyed and tired ... but, above all, the famous backside has given way to something undefined. Here, another his ass off leaving the club ...
As you can see, I too am part of the exclusive club of women ass, literally with a backside so wide and abundant enviable to primitive statuettes of mother earth ! Some people have as a trademark, handed down by generations of mothers to their daughters who, after getting aware of the precious gift, and there's a curse to the most distant ancestor (this is my case). There are those who possess it because, in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, not eating properly or is it a gift of hormones gone crazy. For others, however, it was an accident Path: rebuild in the buttocks, inserting the prosthesis in the buttocks, have found themselves the butt swollen rather than Brazilian.
The ass you see, oh yes. When you walk, everyone thinks you're sculettando. The pants and skirts are always well printed. The knee-length skirts make you the edge behind shorter than before. ... And no matter if you only wear dark clothing to minimize the problem: the bastard is getting noticed! Not to mention the photos, delusions of leadership and where he can take up to half shot. But the flesh is only one problem. Abundant in the lower back, the skin is often dimpled with cellulite and stretch marks, but suffering from loneliness, Séderon si accompagnano sempre alle leggendarie “culotte de cheval”. Cosa sono? Sono quei rigonfiamenti presenti all’esterno delle cosce e che sembrano dei maniglioni antipanico. Oh, quelle non si riesce a camuffarle in nessun modo, compaiono ovunque, sotto tutti i vestiti e mettono in risalto ancora di più l’abbondanza.
Ovviamente i media devono farti notare che avere il sedere grosso è un difetto, perciò si permettono di darti consigli (non richiesti) su come ridurlo. Step, creme, pillole, liposuzione…che poi non servono a nulla perché se nel tuo dna hai scritto “culo grosso”, “culo grosso” avrai per tutta la vita! Se lo togli, lui ritorna; se non cambi il tuo lifestyle, he returns: loves you, is fond of you. But if the reasons as I did above, then you show with the photos that their advice works ... photographing the bottoms of girls as young as 13 years ... they obviously do not they tell us and make us believe in miracles. Yes, we women big ass is a curse because there is always someone with the butt smaller than ours (and here we get depressed), but at the same time, we are consoled by the fact that we can meet another woman with big butt of our (and here is a thousand self-esteem). Ah, what we are contradictory ...
Men, for their part, know of our mania for big ass. So when we see a woman who has a panara bigger than ours, ask for confirmation: "I have my butt smaller than her, right?". "Ceeeeerto," he answers, trying to convince us that our ass is perfect. In reality, men like asses off and plenty of more big tits. Since ancient times, men have the hips associated with fertility and the ability to generate strong and healthy offspring. "Just go breast ... well, a little patience ... but no ass!" Is the thinking man's straight drive. Tinto Brass, through his films, he tried to explain to all women of men's thoughts fixed but we continue ... do not understand!
you need further proof that men adore the abundance? As I tried to put the photo on this post, I happened on numerous sites and forums dedicated to Shakira. I read some comments of men. Some said they still had malignant sederotto ... but I was struck by the comments in the Latin American sites. Almost everyone said that 'it is Americanized: it has gone blonde, has lost weight too much (like all) and doing those songs for dancing in the dance halls "and, above all, that is no longer sexy.
Therefore, women sit at the Panara, andiamone fairs!