Saturday, January 2, 2010

Where Do They Sell Salvia In Tacoma, Wa

Fetish di massa

I invite you to make a game. Look at these two types of footwear:

Notice the differences? No? Yet the former are inspired by the second ...
The first ones were made by fashion designer Alexander McQueen and are the cause of the "sensational" protest of the models that has raged in the media in recent days. The models, in fact, have refused (and rightly) to wear 30 cm heels of these shoes, cause daring tumbles seen as somewhat precarious balance. But if the models are rejected, the designer has found another testimonial: Lady Gaga the singer in his latest video, he wore the "armadillo shoes "(so called, probably because of armadillo made of leather, as well as a certain resemblance to the animal) and making them popular destinations.

Ah, a little fashion note: All the shoes worn by the singer in the video of that stylist. Just out of curiosity, you know how you defended the fashion world from the protest of the models: "In the '500 Venetian ladies also wore shoes with heels 50 cm of water not to soak the clothes at high tide." I would point out that it was not to be high-heeled shoe, but all, in other words, it was a wedge and wedges were worn only by the courtesans.

The second shoe that you can see, however, are called "punitive shoes" for years and circulating in fetish circles. They are so named because they are punitive for the wearer, as the foot is in a totally unnatural and cramps are insured, both for those who take pleasure in being trampled by similar footwear. I found this photo with a heel "deep", but some have just the stiletto heel. This type of shoe is not anywhere, but only in sex shops no longer provided. I specify that I am not attracted to the fetish, as I prefer to live my sexuality in a completely different way, but who is attracted to know that you can contact specialty stores, without being judged for their sexual preference.

Without going into details of the damage to the foot that cause this type of footwear (I leave it to whom it may concern explain it), I wanted to focus on the widespread clearance by the world of fashion, clothing and accessories typical of the fetish world, suitably sweetened by their transgressive meaning. Let me give you some examples: corsets latex, the suit of Cat Woman in black leather, shiny pirate boots with the heels ... not to mention the whips and leather straps ...
That said, the main problem is not the ' height of the "armadillo shoes", but the constant wear on the catwalks of the world che non tutti apprezzano e rifiutato a priori da alcuni. Basta togliere il significato trasgressivo e sono automaticamente accettati da tutti; quello che prima era osceno e volgare, ora è alla moda e trendy. In concreto viene proposto un campionario da sexy shop “politically correct”, con la pretesa di essere adatto a tutti ed a tutte le occasioni: le “armadillo shoes” possono essere indossate da tutte le donne, sia dalle madri sia dalle figlie, a tutte le ore della giornata; le “scarpe punitive”, invece, solo da depravati (anche gli uomini possono indossarle) e da poco di buono. Eppure sono identiche! Ma le prime sono proposte da uno stilista di fama internazionale, le seconde dallo stilista Nessuno. Metti le prime calzature ai piedi della pop star più famosa del momento…ed il gioco è fatto!
Vi sembra assurdo questo mio discorso? Guardate questa foto

In questo scatto potete vedere nuovamente la cantante Lady Gaga, mentre stringe la mano alla regina d’Inghilterra. La prima volta che ho visto questa foto è stata in una trasmissione televisiva pomeridiana, mentre facevo zapping in cerca di ispirazione per un post (l’immagine odierna delle donne). In questo “salotto televisivo” uno degli ospiti decantava come l’abito scelto dalla cantante sia stato acquistato in un sexy shop di Los Angeles, su consiglio di un’amica him. All the guests have commented positively on this choice of singer. Now, I've never had the opportunity to meet the Queen of England, but I doubt that a red latex dress is most appropriate for the occasion (I wonder how many pounds of talcum powder will be put on him to be able to slip it ...)! I understand that Lady Gaga is the flagship of the infringement (but only on stage) and now that Queen Elizabeth has seen all the colors, but I think a certain decorum and a little common sense are no longer appropriate to the occasion, but also respectful of the person in front of him. Even if you do not have a deep admiration for the institution of the monarchy, before there sempre una persona importante.

Ora, visto che ci si può presentare in un abito di latex nelle occasioni formali, non mi stupirei di vedere una coppia a spasso per il centro dove lui, a carponi, cammina tenuto a guinzaglio da lei oppure una donna che va a fare shopping indossando le “scarpe punitive” vestita da Cat Woman, con tanto di frusta...Forse l’unica difficoltà potrebbero presentarla le maschere in latex, in quanto c’è il forte rischio di essere scambiati per dei ladri pronti ad una rapina in banca, ma sono sicura che gli stilisti sapranno come aggirare il problema…

P.S. Come da tag mi affido a lui, a John Galliano, stilista dall’estro creativo geniale, colui che realizza clothing / art, where we understand very well which ones are portable and, instead, are just provocations parade.