Palimpsest Palimpsest Manga Manga Channel: Web TV triples its space!
Vi comunico il palinsesto della web TV di Manga Channel next week:
Saint Seiya - episode 21 ° (Battle in the ice)
Dragon Ball - 12th episode (Desire)
Hokuto no Ken - 12th episode (The chase)
Captain Tsubasa - 1 episode (The challenge)
Nadia - 1 episode (The Girl of the Eiffel Tower)
Pokemon - 1 episode (The beginning of a great adventure)
Orange Road - 1 episode (The awkwardness of first love)
DNA2 - 1 episode (The girl came from the future - Karin -) Love Hina
- 1 episode (all-girl dormitory with outdoor spa)
One Piece - Episode 13 ° (A terrible couple)
Hunter X Hunter - 12 th episode (Good? X Bad? X Killua)
Fullmetal Alchemist - 1 episode (the one who challenged the sun)
Trigun - 1 episode (The Man from 60 billion double dollar)
Berserk - 1 episode (The Knight of Darkness)
GTO - 1 episode (Lesson 1)
I remind you that the channels of Manga Channel are free from any kind of censorship, then, to avoid having the disagi causati da eventuali scene inadatte ad un pubblico maggiormente impressionabile, consiglio a tutti d'informarsi sempre sulle caratteristiche delle opere trasmesse prima di accedere al servizio della web TV . I video trasmessi verranno mantenuti sul canale per una settimana dal loro inserimento per consentirne la visione a tutte le categorie di utenti.
Palimpsest Palimpsest Manga Manga Channel
Vi comunico il palinsesto della web TV di Manga Channel della prossima settimana:
Saint Seiya - 20° episodio (Missione in Grecia)
Dragon ball - 11° episodio (Prigionieri)
One piece - 12° episodio (The wrong port)
Hunter X Hunter - 11 th episode (Perseverance Exploration X X Clandestino)
Hokuto no Ken - 11th episode (Warriors) I remind you that the channels of Manga Channel are free from any kind of censorship, then, to avoid inconvenience to have any images unsuitable for a more impressionable audience, always advise everyone to gather information on the characteristics of the works submitted prior to accessing the web TV service . The video broadcast on the channel will be maintained for a week by making them available to enable the vision to all categories of users.
I can tell you the schedule of Web TV Channel Manga next week:
Saint Seiya - 19th episode (The island of Morgana)
Dragon Ball - Episode 10 ° ( Beware of thieves)
One piece - 11th episode (Never Cry "Wolf!")
Hunter X Hunter - 10th episode (Renal X X Panic Voice from Heaven)
Hokuto no Ken - 10th episode (The Man of Fire) I remind you that the channels of Manga Channel are free from any kind of censorship, then, to avoid the inconvenience of having causati da eventuali scene inadatte ad un pubblico maggiormente impressionabile, consiglio a tutti d'informarsi sempre sulle caratteristiche delle opere trasmesse prima di accedere al servizio della web TV . I video trasmessi verranno mantenuti sul canale per una settimana dal loro inserimento per consentirne la visione a tutte le categorie di utenti.